The introductory course on Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis aims to analyze the interaction between the context, the actors, and the causes of conflict. It seeks to identify opportunities to solve a conflict, and indicate roles and responsibilities of different actors that could lead the process of conflict transformation.
The course is being conducted in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resoultion, Jamia Millia Islamia and is fully funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Participants, including staff from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Non-violent Peace Force, and UNAMA among others, actively compared the UN’s integrated methodology with other humanitarian and peacemaking agencies’ approaches. Dr. Tasneem Menai, Associate Professor at Jamia Millia Islamia, summarized her thoughts on the significance of such training, “the course on ‘Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis’ provides an insight into contemporary conflicts and the potential that UN has for addressing these conflicts. It provides the participants a clearer perspective on the role of the UN in conflict analysis.”
PTP aims to use the success of this training to lay the foundation for the course to be migrated to an e-learning platform, enabling PTP to reach a far wider and more diverse audience in the future.
For more information about the Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis Course, please click here.