Introduction to Green Economy – 2015 Edition: An Interactive E-learning Course

03 February 2015, Geneva, Switzerland - The concept of a green economy encourages countries to explore new patterns of development taking into account economic, social and environmental sustainability considerations. The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), which brings together UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP, and UNITAR, aims to develop national capacities in the area of green economy. Within the framework of PAGE, UNITAR is delivering the e-learning course “Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Applications”, from 27 October – 19 December. Registration is open until 19 October 2014 via the UNITAR Online Catalogue

This partnership e-course has been designed for a wide audience of civil servants, diplomats, environmental managers, academics, private sector representatives and interested citizens. It aims at enhancing participants’ knowledge of different concepts and facets of the green economy, as well as global, national and sector-specific challenges and opportunities to advance low-carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive development. Additionally, the future e-students will begin to develop basic skills for applying the green economy concept in a real world economic, policy and/or personal context.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the concept of a green economy and explain its value
  • Distinguish relevant  planning processes in support of a green transformation
  • Identify enabling conditions for greening national economies
  • Discuss principal challenges and opportunities to advance a green economy 
  • Recognize the range of international and regional green initiatives and support services to foster green development
  • Apply the green economy concept to a real world economic, policy and/or personal context

In December 2013, the course has been reviewed by independent experts in the sphere of e-learning and adult education and awarded the ECB Check Certification, an internationally recognized standard on quality of e-learning education. 

The course takes place in the period 20 April – 12 June. Registration is open until 31 March 2015 via the UNITAR Online Catalogue.

For more information on the course please consult also the Green Economy e-course flyer.

A number of full and partial fellowships will be awarded to civil servants and NGO representatives from developing countries. Please contact the UNITAR Environmental Governance Programme (EGP) at for more information on the fellowship application process.

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