The strengthening of compliance and enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) has been mentioned as one of the key issues on environmental management (Agenda 21). For many developing countries and countries with economies in transition, insufficient capacity in various levels impedes the adequate implementation of MEAs. To better respond to the increasing and numerous requests for innovative training in environmental law, UNITAR’s International Law Programme (ILP) opens a new series of its e-Courses on International Environmental Law (IEL) which are scheduled from 7 February to 3 April 2011 as follows:

(Please note that Courses 1 and 4 can be taken separately. However, to take Course 2 participants must have previously followed course 1, and to take Course 3 participants must have followed courses 1 and 2.

Each year UNITAR runs two sessions of the e-courses on IEL and the courses can be followed in different sessions.)

e-Course 1 International Environmental Law 7 - 20 February e-Course 2 International Environmental Governance 21 February - 6 March e-Course 3 Techniques and Procedures in IEL 7 - 20 March e-Course 4 International Environmental Negotiations 21 March - 3 April

The aim of the e-Courses on IEL is to provide a broad introduction to international environmental law’s main topics, introducing its fundamental principles, law-making processes, main actors, implementation and compliance procedures, and negotiations of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) based on the current legal challenges in international environmental law.

The courses are given by renowned experts and professors in international law who guide participants in their learning process and answer their questions. In addition, ILP staff provides technical support on how to use the learning tools available on UNITAR’s e-Platform. Thus, participants in the e-Courses on IEL can benefit from high quality of training at low cost and combine learning and work.

More information about the course contents, methodology, course fees, etc. can be found on the ILP website:

To register please go to:

You can also download a fact sheet (PDF, 674KB) on the course.

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