13 October 2020, Costa Rica, New York, and Geneva – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) represented by the Executive Director, Mr. Nikhil Seth, and the Director-General, Mr. Manuel Otero, respectively, participated in the first virtual signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with the Head of UNITAR New York Office, Mr. Marco Suazo. The newly signed MoU highlights the points of cooperation between the two Parties and their common objectives and goals. In addition, based on the spirit of collaboration, it strengthens the framework within activities that will be developed and implemented for the benefit of participants. Together, the Directors agree on working on projects and training focused on global issues such as climate change, empowerment, sustainability, energy, and more.


Founded in 1942 in Costa Rica, IICA is focused on offering cooperation services in addition to personalized technical assistance in support of the efforts of its Members States and their communities. Also, they promote training courses and make their platforms and resources available to hundreds of people who can continue preparing themselves and thus, achieve their personal or institutional goals. With the MoU signed, IICA and UNITAR are committed to carrying out projects and join forces to offer training courses to diplomats, academic staff, students, and people in general, focused on leadership, in getting people to think critically, with values and enthusiasm.

Mr. Otero praised UNITAR authorities for energizing individuals to intentionally take steps towards better and more universal educational access. He expressed a positive belief about effective outcomes in the future considering the alliance and promoted building capacities for the 2021 calendar. 


On the other hand, Mr. Seth highlighted this signature as an important beginning where IICA and UNITAR are together to make things happen, to make pledges be a reality and making their Institutes relevant to all people. He emphasized the importance of being open-door organizations that plan to host hundreds of participants willing to learn also about regional integration, innovation, SDGs, gender, and youth. 

From his view, Mr. Seth mentioned that capacity building is key to achieve global goals. The development of knowledge and the transfer of skills are crucial to make sure people understand and can act appropriately to contribute to more equitable and just societies and a healthy planet.


In the end, the Head of UNITAR NY Office added that this event not only serves to urge common actions and consciousness to goals of the Sustainable Development Agenda but is a reminder of the commitment by IICA and UNITAR to aligning education with their common goals. 

First Virtual Signature of a MoU between IICA and UNITAR


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