Facilitating a dialogue on urban mobility and sustainable transport in Santo Domingo
20 September, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – UNITAR jointly with the Habitat III Secretariat and with the support of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) and the Dominican College of Architects and Engineers (CODIA), hosted the “Urban Morning on Mobility and Sustainable Transport”, bringing together some 65 government officials, private sector representatives, professionals and academics for a dynamic and open discussion on how to improve transport in Santo Domingo in a context of increasing urbanization.
The event also provided a venue to present initiatives that promote mobility and sustainable transport, and to present the draft New Urban Agenda. This document will be adopted in Quito during the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) to take place 17-20 October 2016.
The New Urban Agenda provides general guidelines and concepts aimed to improve the way cities are planned and managed. The Agenda will be adopted by the representatives of the 193 Member States attending Habitat III in Quit and it is structured in two sections: the Quito Declaration, and the Implementation Plan for the New Urban Agenda.
The first section includes the vision, commitments and principles, and a call to action to stakeholders. The second section of the NUA includes the transformative commitments for sustainable urban development, implementation mechanisms, follow-up and review. Additionally, it encourages a comprehensive and multi-level approach to governance, with the participation and contribution of all social actors.
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