Exploring Geneva Through the Lens of the United Nations: First UNITAR-UOC Master Field Trip

25 – 27 July 2018, Geneva, Switzerland – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was pleased to welcome a group of students to Geneva for a Field Trip as part of the Online Master in International Affairs and Diplomacy, held jointly with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). This was the first ever field trip for the Master Programme, in which students were able to explore the functions of different agencies of the United Nations and deepen their understanding of multilateral diplomacy in the birthplace of the historic League of Nations.

Exploring Geneva Through the Lens of the United Nations: First UNITAR-UOC Master Field TripStudents spent the three days attending Expert Briefings at various UN specialized agencies headquartered in Geneva, including the International Labour Organization, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the World Trade Organization. They also visited the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN to learn about the many organizations that make up International Geneva. Through this learning experience, students got to network and ask questions of different government officials, UN staff and civil society representatives. In the evenings, students spent time together sampling the delights offered by the city and enjoyed an evening at the UN Beach Club.

The participants enjoyed the field trip immensely, and shared their thoughts and plans for the future at the closing ceremony. In addition to learning about the United Nations system, the students got to meet their classmates in person and form bonds over the three days. The Division for Multilateral Diplomacy looks forward to collaborations with UOC for future events.

For more information on the Online Master in International Affairs and Diplomacy, please visit http://www.unitar.org/mdp/iad.

Photo: Participants of the Field Trip at the Palais des Nations

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