On Friday, 22 July 2011, the Economic and Social Council adopted a resolution which acknowledged progress made by UNITAR in a number of areas and expressed encouragement by the growth in beneficiary outreach and the increase in earmarked contributions. The resolution followed the presentation of the report of the Secretary-General by the Executive Director, Mr. Carlos Lopes. In his statement (PDF, 42KB), Mr. Lopes drew linkages to the theme of this year’s Annual Ministerial Review on implementing educational goals and commitments, and emphasized the priority that the Institute attaches to promoting access to and ensuring quality learning opportunities.

The resolution singled out as areas of progress results-based management, quality standards and the expanded use of technology-enhanced learning tools. The resolution also acknowledged efficiency gains made by the Institute with an increased number of e-Learning courses and the leadership role UNITAR is playing in its responses to thematic priorities, as well as its active collaboration in inter-agency initiatives, in areas as diverse as climate change, international migration, peacekeeping and development-related issues.

In expressing praise, ECOSOC noted concern, however, with the low levels of non-earmarked contributions and the effects that such low levels have on efforts of the Institute to pursue its strategic reforms and meet training needs of developing countries. The Council invited Member States to identify concrete actions, including different ways to enhance non-earmarked voluntary contributions, in order to strengthen the Institute to contribute more effectively to United Nations development cooperation.

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