8 October 2012, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in partnership with SKL International, with the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will deliver an e-Learning course, “The SymbioCity Approach: Achieving Urban Sustainability in Asian Cities”, from 12 November 2012 to 15 February 2013.

The e-course aims at contributing to sustainable urban development in the Asia-Pacific Region (five target countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Viet Nam) by supplying urban planners, environmental managers, project managers and other practitioners with knowledge, skills, and methodologies to enhance their capacity to build sustainable urban environments. Participants will work together in city teams on concrete solutions applying new tools and methods to address their city’s specific urbanization challenges.

This e-course has been designed for team delegations of 2-4 people from each city/institution. Participants must be from one of the five target countries, namely Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam. Team delegations will be composed of urban planners; environmental managers; technical staff and project managers from municipalities or relevant institutions. Applying with a team comprised of 2-4 practitioners is a mandatory criterion for selection and all applicants should also have advanced English skills.

The specific learning objectives of this course include:

  • Understand the conditions for sustainable urban development based on the SymbioCity Approach;
  • Analyze and address urban challenges on the basis of the SymbioCity Approach by tailoring it to their local contexts;
  • Establish network for interchange of experiences and support between participants;
  • Assess specific situations by developing scenarios, impact assessments, and strategies at the local level towards urban improvement.

Please kindly remind that the deadline for registration is Sunday 28 October 2012 and the course fee is USD 400 per participant. Comprehensive information and application details are available at www.unitar.org/event/SymbioCity.

Please contact the UNITAR Local Development Programme (LDP) at e-ldp@unitar.org for more information.

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