June 2011, Montreux, Switzerland. At UNITAR’s Peacekeeping Training Programme, training is seen as a conduit for transformation—leading individuals to make changes that improve and enhance their performance at work and in life. In particular, “training of trainers” (ToT) is a concept which aims to give individuals the skills and knowledge to implement an adult training programme on a given topic. A training of trainers thus teaches practical exercises for engaging and delivering material to participants to maximize learning.
In an effort to specifically advance the skills of trainers who work in the field of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), and as a part of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on DDR, UNITAR in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO), implemented its first advanced Training of Trainers for DDR practitioners. The course took place in Montreux, Switzerland from 6-8 June, 2011, just prior to the annual meeting of the Integrated DDR Training Group (IDDRTG) in Geneva.
Working closely with the IAWG on DDR and UN partner agencies to select a strong group of DDR trainers from peacekeeping missions worldwide, UNITAR sought to equip participants with the necessary skills to implement future trainings for field practitioners whose work relies on the United Nations Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS).
The course was facilitated with the guidance of activity managers from the International Training Centre of the ILO. At its culmination, the training yielded positive feedback from its attendants. Most notably, a new perspective on how to train was developed. As noted by many attendants, the concept of “good trainings”, which at one time consisted of giving presentations, evolved and gave way to new techniques and exercises proven to more effectively increase a participant’s ability to grasp the complex information which DDR trainings are designed to impart.