16 January 2018, Shanghai, China – Dr. Graham Brewer, the director of CIFAL Newcastle visited CIFAL Shanghai together with Pro Patrick Tam from the school of construction, University of Newcastle and Dr. Tommy Lo, the president of Hong Kong Institution of Certified Auditors.

Mr. Wang Genxiang, the director of CIFAL Shanghai and Mr. Wu Yugang, the deputy director of CIFAL Shanghai had a discussion and exchanged ideas with CIFAL Newcastle about the further collaboration on trainings and other activities. Both CIFAL Shanghai and CIFAL Newcastle are members of the CIFAL Global Network and geographically located in the same Asian-Pacific zone with great access to academic and industrial experts.

“We could work together on implementing the Agenda 2030 especially through our cooperation in the field of technology and innovation.”

– Mr. Wang Genxiang.

Currently CIFAL Shanghai is assisting UNIDO with its UNIDO Global Science & Technology Innovation Network. Conversely, the University of Newcastle, an institution with great reputation in higher education and CIFAL Newcastle’s host, has built its own innovation center which is considered to be very competitive in terms of leading innovation in industry in Australia.

CIFAL Shanghai and CIFAL Newcastle are looking forward to Australia joining the UNIDO Global Science & Technology Innovation Network project to build a stronger network to share and to contribute to the field of innovation. 

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