13-15 February 2019, Jeju, Republic of Korea – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Jeju (CIFAL Jeju) in partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of National Planning; the General Secretariat of the National Science and Technology Council of Cambodia; the Science and Technology Policy Institute; the Seoul National University; the Technology, Management, Economics and Policy Programme (SNU TEMEP); the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation; the Korean Ministry of Science; and the Future Planning (MSIT) hosted a workshop on “Strengthening Planning and Development for Innovation Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship”.
This 3-day workshop gathered 80 participants representing local governments, private sector and academia from South Korea and Cambodia. During the event, participants built up an innovative platform for knowledge dissemination of Entrepreneurship which included the promotion of national start-ups activities, specifically related to ecosystem ventures.
In addition, this course promoted a national technology entrepreneurship network in Cambodia, bringing together entrepreneurs, academia, industry, and government. The workshop included interactive presentations from a variety of speakers who were able to provide deep insight in areas pertaining to innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurship.
Attendees expressed a high level of satisfaction with this workshop as it presented innovative information and the content is useful at their work places.
Photo 1: Participants during the workshop on “Strengthening Planning and Development for Innovation Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship”.
Photo 2: Speakers during the opening of the workshop on “Strengthening Planning and Development for Innovation Ecosystem and Entrepreneurship”.