CIFAL Curitiba Hosts IV Cycle of Studies on SDGs

Diva Vieira during her presentation on the importance of SDGs 18 October 2018, Curitiba, Brazil – The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Curitiba (CIFAL Curitiba) in partnership with the Foundation of Social Studies of Paraná (FESP) held the IV Cycle of Studies on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused on SDG #8 – to promote sustainable economic growth, sustainable inclusion, full and productive employment, and decent working conditions for all.

The Cycle of Studies on the SDGs is an initiative of CIFAL Curitiba and SESI Parana with the objective of providing a space to discuss the role of the private sector and society as a whole in implementing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and the SDGs. This initiative seeks to promote the development of innovative solutions to address some of the problems currently affecting the globe.

The event featured three experts that presented topics related to the background of SDG #8 in the Brazilian context, the current status of the Brazilian economy, and the position of productivity and employment in this country. A considerable number of students from the Foreign Trade program at FESP were targeted to learn and dialogue on Brazil's greater challenges in achieving this Goal.

Diva Vieira, Fiep System Consultant, opened the event. She provided an introduction to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. She emphasized the importance of working on SDG # 8, especially in Brazil’s current context, as well as presented some country indicators related to this objective.

The guest economist, Roberto Zurcher, presented about the current status of the Brazilian economy.  He addressed the topic of how technological progress has influenced the different stages of development in Brazil compared to other countries. The economist stressed the importance that current students and future managers need to be creative in their work to use technology as a tool for producing new and innovative models of management.

Finally, labour attorney Dr. José Affonso Dallegrave Neto, presented about the perspective of labour today and how the concept of productivity has been transformed by innovation. He highlighted the need to use technology as a way to enhance labour conditions and improve productivity.

Photo: Diva Vieira during her presentation on the importance of SDGs

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