15 – 16 May 2019, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago – The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) teamed up and co-organized the Learning Conference Implementing the 2030 Agenda in the Caribbean Region. The conference was attended by more than 70 participants including government officials from 21 Caribbean nations leading the SDGs process in their countries, international civil servants, as well as representatives from the civil society and private sector. 


The conference featured strategic thinking sessions with the participation of delegates of States from the region and international and regional experts from the UN family. It also included knowledge sharing sessions with the presentation of good practices, lessons learned and discussion of challenges, specially related to climate change, the SAMOA Pathway in Small Island Developing States, the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) and the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). 

Thematic sessions aimed at covering various aspects such as existing mechanisms for equipping public institutions and mobilizing partnerships, national perspectives and experiences in localizing the 2030 Agenda, multi-stakeholder approaches and various stages of the national policy-making cycle, integrated sectoral and territorial planning, and gaps, issues and challenges in the Caribbean for monitoring progress on the SDGs.


Therefore, the Conference provided space for sharing information and experience coming out of the review processes at national, regional and global levels, as well as for discussing the efforts made and challenges faced by the Caribbean countries in the area of monitoring and evaluation of progress at country level. Thus the Conference succeeded in creating space for a practical exchange of knowledge, discussion of challenges and potential solutions for moving forwards on the SDGs.

You can access the event official website and all the presentations by clicking here: https://www.cepal.org/en/events/holistic-approaches-implementing-2030-agenda-sustainable-development-caribbean-region


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