Biciventura: Promoting the SDGs Around the World

Biciventura team with elementary students19 September 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina- The International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Argentina (CIFAL Argentina) is pleased to announce the “Biciventura and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” project. Its main goal is to promote and raise awareness about the 17 SDGs worldwide.

For this endeavor, Nicolas Caroli, Romina Medina and Ariel Hurtado- a team of three committed individuals to sustainable development- will travel all over the world to give informative talks on the 2030 Agenda, the 17 SDGs and its 169 targets. The innovative idea behind this project is that this team use a bicycle to get to one city to another as a symbol of a sustainable means of transport in line with the SDGs.

 “Alleviating poverty and famine through the reduction of inequality and injustice from a sustainable perspective” is the slogan of this project which is disseminated through local and international media. They use different social media channels to reach more people internationally. At the same time, they use local media such as radio, TV and journals where they describe their passion-driven journey on spreading the SDGs to different audiences which include government officials, indigenous communities, students, among others.Biciventura team in their journey

Since the release of this project in mid-June 2018, the team has visited many provinces in Argentina reaching more than 500 elementary students, and also different government institutions. It also has a high rate of acceptance by the citizens. For instance, the city of Catamarca organized a bike marathon to receive the Biciventura team.

Biciventura and the SDGs project will last approximately 12 years, in other words, the team will be promoting the SDGs throughout the world until the 2030, same finishing line of the 2030 Agenda. Upcoming destinations might include Italy, Poland, Belgium and Switzerland at the Palais des Nations.

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Further information on Biciventura can be found at:

Photo 1: Biciventura team with elementary students

Photo 2: Biciventura team in their journey

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