The skills and tools of diplomacy are resources of tremendous importance within, but also outside traditional diplomatic fora. In order to fulfil its true mission, it is important that the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) strives to include stakeholders from across all sectors, ages, genders and geographical and cultural backgrounds. This effort aims to contribute to the creation of a fairer and more equitable society, committed towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

To attain this goal, UNITAR has given great importance to building partnerships with universities all over the world, in order to provide students and young professionals with the means to not only internalize new concepts, but also learn how to apply them in their personal and professional endeavours. Our joint Master’s degrees and Executive Education programmes have the goal of equipping participants with the key capacities to not only perform better in their jobs, but also to arm them with the practical awareness they need to be agents of change and sustainable development.   

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