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Agreement UNITAR NYO
18 April 2019, New York, United States – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office hosted a half-day workshop with Emerging Ag on the Role of Cooperatives and SMEs in the Implementation of the 2030 SDGs.
01 April 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office in collaboration with Columbia Law School, hosted the third in the four-part workshop series on conflict resolution, mediation, and multilateral negotiation. This series is sponsored by the Government of Sweden under the programme “Leveling the Playing Field”. This workshop focused on Gender Equality, Peace-building and Conflict Resolution, emphasizing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 5 for gender equality.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)s, in collaboration with Columbia Law School hosted the second lecture of a four-part series with Columbia Law School on "Power of Asking the Right Questions" at the United Nations Headquarters. This lecture series is sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations, as a part of the programme “Levelling the Playing Field to support the Least Developed Countries’ (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States’ (SIDS) Diplomats.”
On 13 – 15 March 2019 Grenada has become the first country to use a newly developed web-based version of the StaTact tool during a national workshop organized by UNITAR and UN Statistics Division (UNSD) together with the Central Statistical Office of Grenada (CSO). As a result of the workshop, 6 twelve-month action plans have been developed to address a bottleneck or kickstart a process in such diverse areas as as agricultural statistics, gender-based violence and child abuse, epidemiology surveillance system, education, disaster-related data collection system and environmental statistics.
March 2019, Geneva, Switzerland – The UNOSAT Rapid Mapping Service has been supporting the humanitarian community with satellite imagery analysis for over 16 years. The service was established in 2003 to meet the demand of United Nations agencies, Member States and other humanitarian agencies for rapid mapping and satellite derived analysis in the wake of disasters and complex emergencies.
A new web-version of the StaTact tool was launched by UNITAR and UN Statistics Division (UNSD) at the side event of the 50th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) on 5 March 2019 in New York. The side event show-cased experiences of the two pilot countries - Togo and Grenada.
The events took place as part of the numerous training workshops UNITAR will be delivering across 2019 for the Lebanese government. Other workshops will include topics such as negotiation skills and techniques for effective diplomacy and hosting multilateral conferences.
We are trying our best to fulfill our responsibility as an actor in the field of disarmament,” said Mosammat Shahahara Monica, Director (United Nations and Human Rights), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. “We will continue this effort and our leading role in the future, for the total elimination of nuclear weapons
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office hosted a workshop with the Maryland-based organization Trees for the Future on the topics of establishing forest gardens, building tree nurseries and designing perma-gardens. This was the first workshop of a three-part series on Using Agroforestry to Meet Sustainable Development Goals.