Displaying 301 - 310 of 1199
31 January 2023
31 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland- The Annual Geneva Interfaith Dialogue convenes a diverse panel of Ambassadors and other high-level representatives of the world’s major faiths, as well as the International Geneva community at large, to engage on the links between faith, politics, and society. The Dialogue is held on the premises of the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) each year during World Interfaith Harmony Week. It serves as a platform not simply to commemorate UNGA Resolution 65/5, but as a vehicle to raise public awareness, renew the Resolution’s commitments, and build capacity for putting the Resolution’s values into practice across the world.
10 January 2023
10 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland - The XIX Annual Steering Committee Meeting of the CIFAL Global Network was successfully hosted by CIFAL Honolulu and Chaminade University. In 2022 the CIFAL Global Network reached over ninety-thousand beneficiaries through over 500 events.
9 January 2023
09 January 2023, Geneva, Switzerland – A series of tailored training was delivered by UNOSAT experts in November and December 2022 in 3 countries of the Pacific: Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and Fiji. Building up on past activities, these sessions aimed to enhance GIS capacity for Climate Resilience.
23 December 2022
23 December 2022, Hiroshima, Japan – On October 7, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) signed a collaboration and cooperation memorandum. The two institutions aim to strengthen their cooperation through development projects in entrepreneurship and digital technology
20 December 2022
15 December 2022, New York City, U.S.A. – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research New York Office lead the annual Orientation Course of the Economic and Social Council for 2022-2023. The day-long training was held in a hybrid format, with majority of attendees joining in person in the ECOSOC Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters and more attendees connecting through Webex.
16 December 2022
16 December 2022, New York, United States (hybrid) – The Global Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) Closing Ceremony took place, celebrating the GDI Graduates for the Fall 2022 Cohort at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). The GDI Programme provides a kind experience for students and professionals in their higher education levels who are interested to learn more on the is United Nations and how it functions. They have the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience from experts and diplomats in the field.
16 December 2022
14 December 2022, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR’s Division for Multilateral Diplomacy welcomed a delegation from the Arrowad Group under the leadership of Dr. Saad Ibrahim AlKhalaf to initiate a joint value-based leadership programme. Arrowad for Building Values, one of the entities of Arrowad International Group, specializes in creating and developing value-specific knowledge.

In light of the current globalized and multi-cultural business world, UNITAR and Arrowad have joined forces to create a unique training programme that focusses on the importance of value systems of individuals, society and cultures, and how these affect organizational values and cultures. Set to be launched in the first quarter of 2023, the ten tier programme on Value-Based Leadership addresses itself to the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. The envisioned training will provide essential value-based leadership skills to staff of international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations; diplomats; government officials; and private sector professionals to create awareness on Values-Based-Leadership so that it can reflect into their policies and procedures, initiatives and engagements with core value connectors.

9 December 2022
December 2022, Hiroshima, Japan – Climate vulnerability and food insecurity threaten the already conflict-torn areas in the Middle East and North Africa. In Iraq, infrequent rainfall and rising temperatures in recent years has especially worsened water scarcity. With more than 80 per cent of the country’s water resources being used for agriculture, water scarcity has devastating consequences on the sector that employs 30 per cent of the Iraqi population.
8 December 2022
8 December 2022, Geneva, Switzerland - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) launched a new initiative to support climate-resilient livelihood development in Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
7 December 2022
7 December 2022, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) office in New York partnered with Miraflores Films LLC to organize a screening of With This Light, a documentary on Sister Maria Rosa Leggol. The event was attended by over 70 guests, who were able to learn more about Sor Maria’s story.