Support to the Global Monitoring Plan on POPs in the Latin American and Caribbean Region (GRULAC)
Latest information
- Registration for the third round of the “Biennial Global Interlaboratory Assessment of POPs Laboratories” is now closed. It has been very successful with a record number of laboratories having registered.
GMP2 GRULAC Inception and New POPs Workshop
Montevideo (Uruguay), 1-4 December 2015
From 1 to 4 December 2015, the Stockholm Regional Center in Uruguay is organizeding a joint workshop for two GEF funded projects on the GMP, namely the GEF project on “Tools and Methods to Include the Nine New POPs into the GMP” (New POPs project) and on the GEF project on “Continuing regional Support for the POPs Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention in the Latin American and Caribbean Region” (GMP2 GRULAC). The objective of this joint workshop is to present the results and outputs (e.g. guidance documents) of the New POPs project project into the GMP (1 December 2015) and to officially launch the GMP2 GRULAC the GEF GMP project in the LAC region project (1-4 December 2015) by definining roles and responsibilities of each partner, by discussing technical aspects of the project, and by agreeing on the programme and activities to be carried out in the projecproject.
List of documents
Working Documents
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.1 Concept note and Agenda
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.2 General Procedure for Analysis of PCB and OCP
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.3 General Procedure for Analysis of PBDE
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.4 General Procedure for Analysis of PFOS Link to the PFAS movie
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.5 Guidance document on PFAS in water
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.6 Comparability study between human milk and human blood for PFAS
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.7 Results of the pilot field study on air (PAS/PUF) and water
Link to the movie for the cleaning of PUF disk
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.8 Second regional monitoring report of the GRULAC region
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.10 Report of Terminal Evaluation of GEF GMP1 projects
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.11 Biennial global interlaboratory assessment of POPs laboratories, second round
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.12 (a.) GEF GMP2 GRULAC - project document
(b.) GEF GMP2 GRULAC – project document appendices
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/WD.13 Initial Survey on Laboratory Capacity and Training Needs
Information Documents
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/INF.1 GEF project on the Tools and Methods to Include the Nine New POPs – project document
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/INF.2 Brochure on the GEF GMP2 projects
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/INF.3 Guidance on the global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.1 Continuing Regional Support for the POPs Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention and new POPs tools and methods
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.2 Standard operating procedures for the new POPs
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.3 Development of the guidance document on PFAS in water
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.4 Outcomes of the comparability study between human milk and human blood for PFAS
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.5 Results of the pilot field study on air (PAS/PUF) and water
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.6 (a.) Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention: outcomes of the first and second phases of implementation
(b.) GMP data warehouse: online tool to store and visualize Global POPs data
(c.) The role of the BRS Secretariat in the project
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.7 The second regional monitoring report of the GRULAC region
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.8 Highlights and outcomes of the UNEP/GEF GMP1 projects
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.9 Results and lessons learned from the second round of the Biennial global interlaboratory assessment of POPs laboratories
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.10 Experiences in the sampling and analysis of POPs – Argentina
Experiences in the sampling and analysis of POPs – Brazil
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.12 Experiences in the sampling and analysis of POPs – Columbia
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.13 Experiences in the sampling and analysis of POPs – Jamaica
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.14 BCCC/SCRC Uruguay’s role as the executing agency in the UNEP/GEF GMP2 project in GRULAC
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.15 UNITAR’s role in the project
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PRE.16 The role of the expert laboratories in the project
Post-workshops Documents
GEF/GMP2/GRULAC/IWS/PWD.1 Planned timetable for for GRULAC - draft