Nanosafety Regional Workshop for the Asia-Pacific Region, Thailand, 10 to 11 September 2015
Working under the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC), UNITAR has implemented, since 2009, a range of activities to support developing countries in raising awareness on nanosafety issues and consider the implications of nano-based and nano-containing products traded across borders. Core funding for these activities has been generously provided by the Government of Switzerland.
Date and Location:
Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 September 2015
- Nanostandardization and Nanosafety by Prof. Ali. Download.
- Swiss Nano Regulation by Georg Karlaganis. Download.
- UNITAR Regional workshops by Georg Karlaganis. Download.
- UNECE Nano presentation by Georg Karlaganis. Download.
- SAICM Nano presentation by Georg Karlaganis.Download.
- AK Masrom Presentation Bangkok Safety 2015. Download.
- Chowdhuri Presentation India UNITAR - Nanotec. Download.
- Dr.-Annop-presentation Nano. Download.
- GhaziKhansari Bangkok presentation. Download.
- GPA SAICM Annex 4 Presentation. Download.
- ICCM4 adopted resolution on Nano. Download.
- NanoSafety presentation by Prof. Ichihara. Download.
- IPEN Nanosafety AP UNITAR. Download.
- IPEN Pacific SIDS Presentation - Asia-Pacific Regnl Nano Meeting. Download.
- Japan Nanotech Presentation. Download.
- Lelita 4Life Indonesia Presentation. Download.
- Malaysia NASA nanotech Presentation. Download.
- Mila Tejamaya Presentation. Download.
- Nalin De Silva SLINTEC Presentation. Download.
- Nanosafety and risk assessment Rawiwan. Download.
- Nanotec nanosafety in Thailand. Download.
- NGUYEN Hoang Anh (Vietnam). Download.
- OECD Council recommendation on nanomaterials. Download.
- SAICM ICCM4 document - EPIs including nano. Download.
- Thailand Nanotechnology Roadmap (11 September 2015). Download.
- WHO NANO HEALTH by V Murashov. Download.