
Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurship training is an important means of developing skills that are essential for the sustainability of new businesses and economic growth. It should be considered as a systematic subject, as a lifelong learning process for entrepreneurs, as it helps to shape their attitudes, skills and competences. Entrepreneurship is a process that generates creativity, innovation and growth. Its benefits are not limited to entrepreneurs: it is an important skill for all, helping young people to be more creative and to have confidence in their projects. Entrepreneurship training also allows for the identification of opportunities and the creation of relationships, networks, and social capital. 

Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

In its resolution 73/225 on entrepreneurship for sustainable development, the General Assembly recognized the important contribution entrepreneurship makes to sustainable development by creating jobs, driving economic growth and innovation, improving social conditions and addressing social and environmental challenges in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Learning Courses


E-learning course on "Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees"

This e-learning course aims at strengthening the competences required by policymakers and practitioners for overcoming some of the challenges on economic and social inclusion for migrants and refugees while understanding the benefits of promoting entrepreneurship to this end because of its nexus to sustainable development. 

UNITAR, UNCTAD, UNHCR and IOM have joined efforts to offer this self-pace course. It is envisioned for 6 weeks, 40 hours, for professionals working on different fields, in particular policymakers and practitioners, not necessarily involved or familiar with all the three core elements of the course, -entrepreneurship, migrants, and refugees- but interested in better understanding the humanitarian-development nexus through capacity building. It has been prepared with a pedagogical approach through a methodology for adult training. 

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  •  Describe different benefits of promoting entrepreneurship for migrants and refugees and its impact on sustainable development.
  •  Identify the challenges faced by migrant and refugee entrepreneurs.
  •  Recognise policy objectives and policy options.
  •  Identify ways to support entrepreneurship among migrants and refugees in both developed and developing countries.
  •  Relate case studies and good practices from policies, programmes and initiatives in both developed and developing countries.

For more information on how to register for the various English, French, Spanish and Arabic iterations, please see the links next to each language below.






E-learning course on “Policymaking: Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development”

This e-learning course aims at strengthening the competencies required by policymakers and practitioners in developed and developing countries, as well as in economies in transition, for overcoming challenges on the promotion of sustainable entrepreneurship to facilitate social and economic development and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. 

At the end of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Recognize the benefits of promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on sustainable development; 
  • Describe opportunities and challenges faced by entrepreneurs; 
  • Identify relevant policy objectives and policy options; 
  • Understand the measures needed to support entrepreneurship; 
  • Understand how to develop an action plan, monitor its implementation and measure the impact; 
  • Learn best practices on policies, programmes, and initiatives in the area of entrepreneurship promotion at national, regional and global levels. 

For more information on how to register for the various English, French and Spanish iterations, please see the links next to each language below.





Implementation of Core SDG Indicators for Sustainability Reporting by Companies

This e-learning course aims at strengthening the technical expertise and capacity of companies, including MSMEs, to report on universal and core SDG indicators in economic, environmental, social, and institutional areas of the GCI.

  • At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Define and calculate the universal and core SDG indicators.
  • Critically assess existing sources of information to calculate the core SDG indicators in the company.
  • Understand if a company’s information systems provide the information required to calculate the
  • core SDG indicators.
  • Refer to examples of companies already using and disclosing UNCTAD’s core SDG indicators.

For more information on how to register in English, French and Spanish, please see the links next to each language below.


English (Extended version):





Supporting Entrepreneurs in Ecuador Through the "Emprendedores Programme" 

5 August 2023, Quito, Ecuador – Promoting entrepreneurship and supporting micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is key to advancing sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. UNITAR in collaboration with AB InBev and its Middle Americas Zone (MAZ) and the Tecnológico de Monterrey concluded the first edition of the “Emprendedores Programme” with a focus on Finance.

210 participants successfully graduated from the Finance Course of the “Emprendedores Programme”, through which they acquired knowledge and strengthened their skills and competencies in accounting, inventory preparation, public services, earnings and savings, credit risk, and innovative ways for companies to process payments, among other important aspects that will facilitate and enhance the growth of their business. 

For more information please see the: 


Supporting women entrepreneurs through training and mentorship

8 June 2022, Geneva, Switzerland – UNITAR’s Division for People and Tara for Women have signed a collaborative agreement with the aim of creating a framework for cooperation to develop and implement different support programmes for women.

Both institutions will work hand in hand in different areas to carry out initiatives that contribute to generating economic and technical opportunities for women entrepreneurs through the programmes that both UNITAR and Tara for Women have.

For more information please see the link.





The "Emprendedores Programme" is a collaborative initiative between UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) and AB InBev, conducted in partnership with the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Its objective is to improve the quality of life of the region's retailers, guaranteeing its permanency and sustainability in the market through tools to improve your competitiveness.

This program is designed to promote entrepreneurship and provide support to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with a focus on advancing sustainable development and inclusive economic growth.

The initiative has a significant role in providing dedicated training and development opportunities for entrepreneurs, contributing to their personal and professional growth. In 2023, the program reached about 6,700 participants, offering intensive training in various aspects such as Finance, Digitalization, Operations, and Leadership. Of these participants, more than 5,500 have finished at least one of these courses, and 1,267 have completed the whole package of four courses.

The "Emprendedores Programme” addresses the challenges faced by micro-enterprises, particularly the high closure rate within the first year due to a lack of training, financing, and necessary tools for optimal development. The initiative was born out of a desire to understand and address the reasons behind early closures in the country's entrepreneurial landscape.

As part of the broader "Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Initiative," UNITAR and AB InBev aim to empower entrepreneurs through mentoring, knowledge exchange, training, financial resources, and digital solutions. The collaborative effort seeks to support entrepreneurs in developing their businesses and reinforcing local growth. In countries such as Ecuador, Mexico, El Salvador, Panama, Peru, Honduras, among others, where entrepreneurship is prevalent, this initiative plays a crucial role in providing the necessary support and resources for the sustainable development of micro-businesses.


The first round of this award on social impact entrepreneurship projects led by women has just closed with a high level of participation.  More than 140 projects from 10 countries applied for the mentoring programmes, technological support, strategic support, access to Tara's international network of contacts, and financial support.

Of the more than 140 projects submitted, 10 finalists will participate in an exclusive workshop to provide them with the necessary tools to develop their projects.  And the three selected projects will receive financial support of 25,000 euros and mentoring.


  • The "Entre Maniguas Foundation" seeks to provide commercial tools through a market platform that preserves the ancestral legacy of handicrafts and creates an independent economy for Afro-Colombian and indigenous women victims of gender violence. Therefore, guaranteeing a dignified life for craftswomen, mitigating poverty and the social consequences of the armed conflict through fair marketing at the national and international levels.
  • Furas,” is an organization that for several years has sponsored, trained, and improved the quality of life of women with excellent entrepreneurial ideas but with limited economic resources. They are convinced that together they are stronger. With the support of mentors from different areas of knowledge, they are dedicated to converting these great ideas into profitable businesses so that these women can improve their economic income and that of their families and also discover the outstanding talent and power they possess.
  • La exclusiva” provides social logistics where there is a lack of services.They have created a model for the distribution of products and services, mainly to senior citizens, at home, at no added cost, with the aim of reversing the process of depopulation in sparsely populated rural areas.
  • Lazzaro” helps NGOs to raise digital funds sustainably and transparently. Through online fundraising in one place, consulting sessions, and BlockChain technology.
  • Massencillo” is an app that allows mobile phone screens to be adapted for the elderly.
  • “Nexus.” Using state-of-the-art drones and sensors, farmers can detect and locate any stressful situation that may be occurring in their crops or plots. This way, treatments, fertilization, or any other necessary action will be directed at the crops that need it most. This will maximize the production of plots, homogenizing their production, increasing the quality of the harvest, and reducing the costs associated with the crop.
  • Proyecto A” is an entrepreneurial project in the area of technology education, through which it aims to promote STEAM training and activities for children. Project A has developed technological kits and workshops for learning at home and in the classroom. Some of its most complete products are robotic arm and multifunction robot KAREN.
  • Rooral”. Restorative experiences in villages for organizations that prioritize wellbeing. Rooral promotes employees' well-being through different rural experiences.
  • Start Lebi” has developed in laboratory enzymes that allow the production of 100% Lebanese yogurts and dairy products—avoiding the need to import these enzymes and recovering Lebanese flavors. This allows them to obtain a 100% local product, reducing costs and promoting the local economy.
  • TheGoodGoalApp” is an app that helps environmentally conscious people to know the impact of their actions and improve their sustainable habits in an accessible, easy, and motivating way.
  • The Volunteer Circle” provides non-profits with access to much-needed skills and talent and volunteers with the opportunity to acquire relevant experience in engaging with local communities as active citizens and change-makers.


  • "Gingko," is a project that seeks to create a safe space for teenage mothers in Kenya. In addition to encouraging them to return to school after childbirth and working with the community to raise awareness of teenage pregnancy prevention.
  • "Renaceteca" is a business project created by a woman who has suffered from Eating Disorder. It is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary treatment center for ED that incorporates innovation in therapies through technology and a 360º program together with referral hospitals that allows the relocation of care to patients who live far away from hospitals and referral centers.
  • "The Gravity Wave" focuses on the fact that between 8 and 12 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into our seas and oceans every year. Without radical change, by 2050, there could be more plastic than fish in the sea, killing marine flora and fauna and damaging all ecosystems.  As a solution, the project proposes cleaning plastic from the seabed and transforming it into long-lasting designer products.



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