Global Training Hub.Coming soon!

For the sake of inclusiveness, digital tools, such as this hub open the doors towards a culture of learning for improving quality of life. It has online courses, useful sources, related websites and videos.

Available in: English



Online Platform

The Global Anticorruption Training Platform gathers and makes visible existing material on corruption issues, which is publicly available on different web pages. It fosters publications, information on courses, and videos. In addition, it fosters relevant quotes, curious facts, related events, news, and other websites of interest. The documents have been placed with a brief explanation of the material, together with a picture and the official link that will take the visitors to the related webpage where they can find more detailed information.

The available information may be useful for learning, clarifying concepts, or contextualizing, through glossaries, stories, information on mechanisms, educative events, explanations about the UN Convention against Corruption, as well as core processes, perspectives on the acts of corruption, information that explores the link between corruption and other issues -including development-, studies, reports, manuals, guidelines, frameworks, orientation documents, principles, etc.

Available in: English, with links to find documents in different languages.

Please click here to visit the online platform.

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