1st. event. "The impact of including older persons in the implementation of multilateral agreements"


General ObjectiveTo identify existing actions and partnerships as well as pending gaps for the effective inclusion and protection of older persons in multilateral settings and agreements as well as ways to move forward.

Concept Note: Below

Video recording: Here


2nd. Event. The Use of New Technologies for Promoting Mental Health, Accompaniment, and Support to Improve the Lives of Older Persons


General Objective: To identify the link between the use of technologies and health.

Concept Note: Below

Video recording: Here


3rd. Event. The implications of demographic shifts on social and economic security through labor markets and leisure activities


General Objective: To learn about the link between demographic shifts, labour markets, and leisure activities in the framework of social and economic security for older persons.

Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024

Video Recording: Here

4th. Event. The intersectionality of discrimination faced by older persons


General Objective: To learn about ageism from different fields, including human mobility and gender

Date: Thursday, 21 November 2024

Video recording: here


5th. Event. Protection of older persons in times of peace and war


General Objective: To better understand how to protect older persons in times of peace and war, while considering their role in different context

Date: Thursday, 21 November 2024

Video Recording: here


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