The COVID-19 pandemic coupled with the last years’ technological advances has catalysed rapid innovation in digital approaches and tools. “Building Peace from a Distance: An Assessment of Digital and Hybrid Learning Formats to Support the YPS Agenda” offers actionable insights for peacebuilders and trainers to help facilitate optimal training delivery in new digital and hybrid spaces, with a focus on programming that contributes to the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda.


  • Presents innovative case studies from Colombia and the Philippines
  • Analyses challenges and solutions related to the digital divide
  • Highlights 33 brief strategies and solutions that can be immediately implemented
  • Provides 7 food-for-thought recommendations for effective hybrid and digital learning in peacebuilding

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Background of ‘Building Peace on a Distance’

Born from the rapid shifts in the capacity-building landscape caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent years of digital innovation, this paper investigates how digital and hybrid learning formats can advance the YPS agenda. As highlighted in three consecutive UN Secretary-General reports on YPS (2020, 2022, and 2024), digital spaces offer innovative and accessible opportunities to advance all pillars of the YPS agenda. However, despite the potential benefits of digitization, for young peacebuilders and their counterparts, there remains a critical gap in understanding how to effectively set up and sustain digital and hybrid spaces for meaningful youth inclusion in peace and security activities.


Major challenges identified

The COVID pandemic posed several challenges to the implementation of the YPS agenda, a few of which are highlighted below: 

  • Difficulty finding safe places to conduct face-to-face sessions with small groups 
  • Difficulty reaching those with limited access to the digital space 
  • Reduced personal interaction  

Explore suggested solutions and strategies for young trainers and peacebuilders:

  • Fit-for-purpose - Make sure that your choice of technology does not distract or interfere with the learning experience. Ensure the technology is necessary and enhances rather than inhibits the learning experience.
  • Household constraints - Consider participants’ household constraints or responsibilities which may limit their participation. Plan with availability in mind when setting agendas and timings, as well as for ways to provide flexibility in this regard.
  • Consider cultural norms - Understand the cultural context when designing learning experiences. For example, in some contexts when addressing younger populations, caregivers may be more willing the follow of a learning activity on TV or radio, but less so toward having learners be on their phones for a long time.

Main Recommendations:

  • Adopt a human-centred, youth-responsive approach
  • Leverage different formats to combine digital reach with face-to-face connection
  • Foster intergenerational dialogue through innovative online spaces
  • Employ technology to ensure accessibility for all; technology for people, not the other way around
  • Promote inclusivity by using intersectional analysis to understand and address barriers to participation.
  • Support local innovations in peacebuilding through digital tools
  • Adopt trauma-informed approaches to support learners' mental health and cognitive abilities during crises.




Assessing the full document and contact details:

  • Ready to transform your approach to youth empowerment in digital and hybrid peacebuilding? 
  • Read the document online below, and unlock the potential of digital and hybrid learning methodologies for advancing youth, peace and security.                                                                                         


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