The panel will represent the Colombian context, bringing together practitioners and former combatants participating in the DDR process. In addition, a representative from the African Union Commission and a representative from the Democratic Republic of Congo will be part of the panel to highlight specific touchpoints between the African and the Colombian experience.
H. E. Amb. Gustavo Gallon, ambassador of the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the UN
Issaka Garba Abdour, Head, Governance and Human Rights Division- Directorate for Governance and Conflict Prevention, DPAPS, African Union
Alejandra Miller, Director of the Colombian Agency for Reincorporation and Standardization (ARN).
Kajima Jeff Kabatunanga, Expert at Disarmament, Demobilization, Community Recovery and Stabilization Programme of the Democratic Republic of Congo (PDDRCS)
Sandra González Sanabria, Lider of the Association of Women Producers of Peace Essences (ASMUPROPAZ)
Moderation by: Olivier Mukarji, Advisor at the World Bank Group to the AU-UN-WBG Joint Programme
Panellists will be asked to share a brief intervention on the lessons learned, challenges and results of the Colombian DDR process, and discuss ways to create channels of communication and exchange to increase the south-south cooperation between DDR contexts. The panel discussion, moderated by UNITAR, will be followed by a Q&A.