We offer diverse range of learning solutions.  These videos provide an overview of some of our solutions and explain concepts and methodologies.

UNITAR and Swiss government’s support to the Minamata ratification process

The Chemicals and Waste Programme of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), through various projects, is supporting countries in their efforts to ratify and implement the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Among these projects is the Swiss funded UNITAR project on “Ratification and early implementation of the Minamata Convention on mercury”, being implemented in 16 countries. The objective of the project is to accelerate the readiness of countries towards the Ratification of the Minamata Convention. These actions have assisted countries to identify the most adequate ways and initial steps to ratify the Minamata Convention, and to address any potential barriers to ratification.




UNITAR GHS e-Learning Course

Chemical hazards classification and communication systems are key elements of the sound management of chemicals. To harmonise these systems worldwide, the United Nations adopted in 2003 the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The GHS is an important tool for countries to develop or modify national programmes and to facilitate trade.

With the goal to enhance knowledge and skills to apply the GHS, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is offering an in-depth and interactive GHS e-Learning course. The course is adapted from the GHS training course materials developed by UNITAR, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and Orange House Partnership (OHP), and was peer-reviewed by a technical advisory group of UNITAR/ILO in the context of the UN Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (UN SCEGHS).

For more information or to subscribe, please visit unitar.org/event/full-catalog/classifying-and-labelling-chemicals-according-un-ghs-2016-0


Monitoring of POPs in Ambient Air by Passive Sampling

Ambient air is one of the two core matrices considered in the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) of POPs. This training film, produced by the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RACETOX) for UNEP Chemicals Branch, will take you through the procedures of passive air sampling and preparation of the polyurethane foam (PUF) disks, their cleaning before use, and mounting of the samplers in the field. The PUF is a sorbent suitable to capture all 23 POPs listed in the Stockholm Convention - basic POPs pesticides, indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), dioxin-like POPs, brominated flame retardants and PFOS.


UNOSAT Rapid Mapping Service

Operational since 2003, UNOSAT Rapid Mapping provides satellite image analysis during humanitarian emergencies, both natural disasters and conflict-situations. With a 24/7 year round availability to process requests, a team of experience analysts ensure timely delivery of satellite imagery derived maps, reports and data ready for direct inclusion in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) according to needs.


Strengthening the capacities of Formed Police Units (FPUs) in Mali (FR)

The video introduces the ongoing joint project between UNITAR and Ecole de Maintien de La Paix Alioune Blondin in Bamako, Mali, dedicated to providing training to formed police units prior to their deployment to MINUSMA. 


"Journey for Peace and Development" - Evolution and Impact of DDR

What is inside the complex notion of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR)? How has it evolved over time? What impact does DDR have on people's lives and their communities and why should international actors support and engage in DDR processes worldwide? As a member of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (IAWG-DDR) and with the help of original video material obtained from diverse DDR contexts, UNITAR proposes you to learn more about DDR and individual journeys to peace, stability and development. The release of the video was dedicated to the Official Launch of the Revised United Nations Integrated DDR Standards on 19 November 2019.


Mandated to Protect - Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations

Over the past 20 years, Protection of Civilians has moved to the forefront of the Security Council resolutions under which United Nations peacekeepers are deployed.


UNITAR featured on the Euronews Learning World Programme - Special edition on "Teaching Peace"

UNITAR featured on the Euronews Learning World Programme, a special edition on "Teaching Peace". The interviewee, Ms. Trisha Riedy, the manager of Peacemaking and Conflict Prevention Programme discussed how UNITAR is contributing to peacemaking processes by providing advanced training in conflict analysis, negotiation and mediation skills to practitioners including mid and senior level government officials, regional organization and United Nations staff, and indigenous peoples' representatives from around the world.


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