Oct 2023
CIFAL Malaga - United Nations Day People
Side Event
Malaga - Spain, Spain
Self-paced, open-enrolment event
Is this event associated with a learning outcome?
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Duration of event
1 Days
Programme Area
Decentralize Cooperation Programme
Event Focal Point Email
Registration method
Public – by registration
Mode of delivery

The event was an institutional ceremony that was celebrated on the occasion of the United Nations Day. The event was presided over by the Mayor of the City Hall of Malaga, Francisco De la Torre. 

The United Nations Day marks the anniversary of the United Nations Charter., established in 1945. With the confirmation of the chart the United Nations were officially born.

After the event, there was a workshop organized by CIFAL.





Event objectives
  • Get to know the role of the United Nations and the objectives of sustainable development.
  • Reach the  17 sustainable development goals through an education of quality.
  • Value the importance of promoting pacific and inclusive societies for sustainable development and to make easy access to justice for everyone. 
  • Build, at all levels, effective and inclusive institutions.


Content and Structure

The event started with a welcome ceremony by the coordinator of CIFAL Malaga, Deborah Salafranca. Then, Julio Andrade, the coordinator of the global network of CIFAL, read a passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and he announced that the city of Malaga had been selected for UNITAR to take in the coordination office of the global network of CIFAL.

Then, the youth orchestra of Malaga performed the UN anthem and the Mayor raised the UN flag. 

Once the institutional act was finished, there was a workshop, in the exact same place, organized by CIFAL Malaga, where students from the school Severo Ochoa participated. The theme of the workshop was the importance of the UN and the 17 sustainable development goals.






Targeted audience
  • General Public


Additional information

For more information, please consult the CIFAL Malaga website or contact