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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎                                                                  APPLY BEFORE 22.03.2025 SAVE YOUR SPOT FOR SPRING!

The Master in Electoral Policy and Administration (MEPA) is an advanced online program designed to equip current and aspiring election professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills in electoral processes and administration. Delivered by UNITAR in collaboration with Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and International IDEA, MEPA leverages the expertise of field practitioners and world-leading academics to address the global demand for qualified electoral professionals. 

The curriculum covers all electoral phases and frameworks, with modules on managing elections in emergencies, elections in fragile contexts, leadership in electoral administration, gender and elections, and electoral logistics. 

The program is offered in English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.

MEPA fosters the development of professionals who adhere to common norms and standards in electoral policy and administration, providing a dynamic platform for participants to deepen their knowledge and improve the operational effectiveness of policymakers and decision-makers in elections. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply promptly due to limited places.

Start Dates: (Spring) 12 April 2025 / (Fall) 12 October 2025

Mode of Delivery: Online, web-based e-learning

Duration: 9 months, totalling 470 hours (excluding individual study hours)

Language: English


The Master in Electoral Policy & Administration (MEPA) program is ideal for individuals currently working or aspiring to work as election administrators, members of Election Management Bodies, electoral observers, or any professionals involved in electoral policy and administration.


Graduates of the MA in Electoral Policy & Administration will achieve:

  • Comprehensive Understanding of Electoral Processes: Demonstrate advanced knowledge of electoral systems, legal frameworks, and operational procedures across various electoral phases and contexts.
  • Analysis and Strategic Planning: Acquire analytical skills to assess electoral challenges, formulate strategic plans, and implement effective electoral management strategies.
  • Election Management Expertise: Master techniques and best practices in election administration, including voter registration, logistics, budgeting, and security, to ensure efficient electoral operations.
  • Development of Electoral Policies and Practices: Access and apply knowledge to develop and refine electoral policies, practices, and procedures that uphold democratic principles and integrity.
  • Leadership in Electoral Governance: Lead and manage electoral processes with proficiency, promoting transparency, inclusivity, and public trust in electoral institutions.
  • Effective Communication and Diplomacy: Utilize advanced communication and diplomatic skills to engage stakeholders, resolve electoral disputes, and foster consensus for fair and credible elections.


The Master in Electoral Policy and Administration (MEPA) program spans a comprehensive curriculum delivered through an interactive e-learning platform. Participants engage in various modules covering electoral systems, legal frameworks, operational procedures, and specialized topics such as gender in elections and electoral integrity.

  • Online Component: 9 months, totalling 470 hours (excluding individual study hours).
  • Optional Internship: Minimum of 300 hours.
  • Thesis: 3 months.
  • Optional Residential Component: Up to two weeks at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies' premises in Pisa during autumn or spring. This component requires a minimum of 10 participants and is conducted in English.


The Master in Electoral Policy and Administration is awarded upon the completion of 62 ECTS. The MEPA syllabus comprises 12 compulsory modules and 12 optional modules. 2 to 4 ECTS credits will be awarded for each module upon completion of the said module (depending on the complexity of the module). MEPA participants should complete all the assigned compulsory modules and choose a series of optional courses based on their preferences.

12 Compulsory Modules:

  • Elections and Voting as Instruments of Governance - 2 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Legal and Regulatory Frameworks - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Systems and Managing Representation - 3 ECTS credits
  • Political Parties, Campaigns, and Political Finance - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Planning and Budgeting - 3 ECTS credits
  • Voter Registration and Identification Systems - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Operations - 3 ECTS credits
  • Marginalized Electorates and Special Voting Programs - 2 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Integrity and Malpractice - 4 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Justice Systems - 3 ECTS credits
  • Policy Advice and Electoral Reform - 3 ECTS credits

12 Optional Modules:

  • Understanding and Managing Boundary Delimitation - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Logistics - 4 ECTS credits
  • Gender and Elections - 2 ECTS credits
  • Managing Elections in Public Emergency Situations - 3 ECTS credits
  • Election Integrity in the Digital Age - 3 ECTS credits
  • Civic and Voter Education - 2 ECTS credits
  • Media and Elections - 2 ECTS credits
  • Managing Electoral Security, Electoral Violence, and Preventing Election-related conflicts - 2 ECTS credits
  • Elections in Fragile / Post Conflict contexts - 3 ECTS credits
  • Electoral Observation, Evaluation, and Validation - 3 ECTS credits
  • Direct Democracy - 2 ECTS credits
  • Leadership in Electoral Administration - 2 ECTS credits (under construction)

The credits corresponding to all the selected optional modules should reach a maximum of 12 ECTS credits. ECTS credits are issued upon completing an individual module after a positive evaluation of the intermediate and final learning assessment tests and upon compliance with the obligations underlined in the Master Program Procedural Guidelines for Students.

A maximum of 67 academic credits calculated according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS credits) will be awarded upon successful completion of the Master Program, subordinate to the evaluation of results and fulfilment and compliance of the Rules and Regulations of the Master in Electoral Policy and Administration.). More specifically:

  • 47 ETCS credits: will be awarded upon successful completion of the online compulsory and optional modules (article 12) and fulfilment and compliance with the Master Program Procedural Guidelines for Students.
  • 15 ECTS credits: will be awarded upon positive evaluation and public defence of the Master Thesis (min 15.000 max 20.000 words). Candidates who choose to undertake an internship and successfully complete it will present a shorter Master Thesis (min 7.000 max 10.000 words);
  • 5 extra ECTS credits: may be obtained by attending the optional residential phase or successfully completing additional optional modules.
  • Attendance Certificate: at the end of the Master Program, Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna issues a first-level University Master’s Diploma pursuant to art. 3 of Ministerial Decree No. 270/2004, as subsequently amended, to students who: 

    • attended the entire training syllabus regularly;
    • passed the final exams for all the compulsory and selected optional modules, in accordance with the requirements envisaged in the Disciplinary Regulations;
    • successfully discussed the Master thesis;
    • and are up to date with the payment of the enrolment fees.

    Students admitted to individual modules, who have regularly settled the tuition costs and have passed all the required examinations, will receive a Certificate of Completion and the respective ECTS credits.


The programme is organised on a modular credit system. Modules will offer a range of taught material, self-led study, group discussion, webinar, group and individual tutorials, virtual coffees, group work and personal reflection.  

The course is structured to be fully online and mainly asynchronous, allowing students to access lectures, readings, and assignments at their convenience, and in their own time. This format offers significant flexibility, accommodating working professionals and catering to various learning and studying styles. However, to maintain a human-centred approach and accommodate those who prefer synchronous interaction, certain activities are also offered in real-time. This ensures that all students, regardless of their preferred learning style, have opportunities for engagement and support. The modules run from September to December, January to March and April to July, except for the dissertation module that runs over two terms.  

  • Online Delivery: Offers flexibility in location, time, and space, with diverse methods and personalized learning.
  • Learning from the Workplace: Uses the workplace as the main learning environment, emphasizing action research and hands-on exercises.
  • Student-Centred Approach: Focuses on group work, participation, and a mixed team of facilitators.
  • Innovative Multicultural Pedagogy: Emphasizes cultural diversity and innovative teaching methods.
  • Multi-disciplinary Study: Integrates social sciences, peace and conflict studies, humanities, and more.
  • Web-based Learning Community: Encourages collaborative work and peer-to-peer learning with an international faculty. 


Application Deadlines

  • 2025 Spring Cohort: Apply before 22 March for 12 April start.
  • 2025 Fall Cohort: Apply before the end of September for 12 October start.

Application Periods

Applications are accepted twice a year, depending on the program start date. Please check the specific registration period and course commencement dates on the UNITAR or Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna website. Applications received after the final deadline are evaluated case by case on a rolling basis.

Application Instructions and Requirements

For a detailed guide on how to apply, please refer to the tutorial video: How to Apply Online.

  • Steps to Apply for the Full Master Program:
  1. Visit the website: https://www.santannapisa.it/en/istanza-master/master-electoral-policy-administration
  2. Upload the completed application form during the online application procedure.
  3. Provide the requested information and upload the mandatory documents:
    • Copy of passport or identification card
    • Copies of all mentioned degrees (e.g., BA, MA, PhD)
    • Official transcripts of the bachelor's degree
    • Copy of the last payslip (if applying for a scholarship and currently employed)

  • Steps to Apply for Individual Modules:
  1. Visit the website: https://www.santannapisa.it/en/istanza-master/master-electoral-policy-administration
  2. Download the “Individual Modules Application” file and fill it out electronically.
  3. Email the completed file to: mepa@santannapisa.it


The tuition fee for the MA in Electoral Policy and Administration is 10,000 EUR.

It is payable in three instalments of, respectively: 3.500,00 euros, 3.500,00 euros and 3.000,00 euros. The first instalment shall be paid at enrolment. The tuition fees cover the following components: academic and tutorial costs, didactic materials, access to university services such as the e-library, and administrative expenses. The program does not cover travel expenses, visas, and accommodation in Pisa for the optional residential phase and any other related costs.

The fee for each MEPA module is determined by the number of credits assigned to it, which ranges from 2 to 4 depending on the complexity of the module. The fees are 700.00 euros for 2-credit modules, 850.00 euros for 3-credit modules, and 950.00 euros for 4-credit modules. Students who enrol in multiple modules receive a 10% discount on the fees for the second and third modules and a 15% discount on the fees for the fourth, fifth, and sixth modules. The order of the modules for calculating the reduction will consider the least expensive modules first, and the most expensive modules last to benefit the student. Special fee reductions may be available if an institute or organization enrols a certain number of employees/participants simultaneously in the Master Program or individual modules.

Fees Reduction and Discounts

To promote diversity within the program, the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and its partners may offer partial fee reductions based on merit, distinctive competencies, and academic excellence to talented students who require financial aid. In each selection round, the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and its partners may offer fee reductions of up to 30% to Master candidates from Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Female candidates will have precedence in the case of ex aequo. Admitted candidates who require financial reductions may contact the program director within one week of receiving their acceptance email. Fee reductions are subject to the availability of funds.

Pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree No. 68/2012 the Institution grants total exemption regarding payment of the enrolment fee in the case of students with disabilities, acknowledged to be equal to or greater than sixty-six percent, in accordance with art. 3, paragraph 1 of Law No. 104/1992, and applies a 1.5% reduction for every percentage point of disability in the case of students who have been acknowledged a disability of less than sixty-six percent. A student who asks for said exemption or reduction must attach an appropriate certificate to the online application.

Please go to the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna webpage to read more about the Course Fees.


The Jeff and Carolyn Fischer Scholarship is also an annual scholarship award granted to one student per intake, which covers part of the tuition costs of the Master program. The award is $5,000 and is given to a student who has been admitted to the MEPA program and is professionally engaged or intends to be engaged in some aspect of electoral conflict prevention and electoral security. Applicants must submit a cover letter in English to Professor Jeff Fischer, explaining their engagement in electoral security, career path, and future professional plans. The scholarship applications are reviewed and awarded by Professor Fischer based on the applicant's background, professional intentions concerning electoral security, and future plans.


At the end of the Master Program, the Institution issues a first-level University Master’s Diploma pursuant to art. 3 of Ministerial Decree No. 270/2004, as subsequently amended, to students who: attended the entire training syllabus regularly; passed the final exams for all the compulsory and selected optional modules, in accordance with the requirements envisaged in the Disciplinary Regulations; successfully discussed the Master thesis; and are up to date with the payment of the enrolment fees.

Students admitted to individual modules, who have regularly settled the tuition costs and have passed all the required examinations, will receive a Certificate of Completion and the respective ECTS credits.



United Nations Institute for Training and Research

Av. de la Paix 7 bis, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Online Learning and Education, MEPA

E-mail: mepa@unitar.org

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa (School of Advanced Studies – Pisa)


Via Cardinale Maffi, 27

56126 Pisa, Italy

Dr Marybelle Cherfan

Didactic Coordinator
E-mail: mepa@santannapisa.it

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