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21 November 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - On 21 November 2019, UNITAR hosted the first meeting of UN SDG:Learn Steering Group in Geneva, organized together with the UN System Staff College (UNSSC). The Steering Group is composed of representatives of 51 partner organizations, making up 53 UN SDG:Learn partners in total with UNITAR and UNSSC. The main objective of the meeting was to jointly discuss the ways forward in terms of leveraging UN SDG:Learn to amplify each organizations’ efforts in serving the needs of their target audiences, sharing experiences and innovative approaches on delivering effective learning, as well as promoting synergies across the work of partners on the SDGs.
Strengthening the capacities of the Caribbean SIDS for system-based approaches and integrated policy design in the context of the SDGs
4 - 5 November 2019, Lima, Peru - The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office participated in the “X Virtual Educa Multilateral Forum” within the framework of the XXI Virtual Educa Peru meeting, represented by UNITAR Head of New York Office, Mr. Marco A. Suazo, who serves as president of the Advisory Council of Virtual Educa.
18 October 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations, B4 Development, and Generation Amazing, hosted an event on using behavioral insights and sports in preventing violent extremism. The event took place in Conference Room 6 at UN Headquarters on 18 October 2019.
16 October 2019, Geneva, Switzerland - The SDG Innovation Bootcamp, a Geneva Tsinghua Initiative exchange programme run in partnership with the Tsinghua X-lab innovation incubator and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), is open for registration. Travel dates are 25 November – 1 December.
27 September 2019, New York, USA – The Assistant Secretary-General (ASG), Executive Director of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Mr. Nikhil Seth, delivered a speech at the ‘International Conference on Peace and Investment Prospects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Great Lakes Region’ which took place at the Millennium Hilton Hotel, New York.
23 September 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) ASG, Executive Director Mr. Nikhil Seth attended the UN High-Level Meetings (UN HLM) on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) during the 74th United Nations General Assembly which was held at Trusteeship Council on Monday morning.
22 September 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in collaboration with member institutions launched a university global coalition which was hosted by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York. The coalition is “a collaborative platform of globally engaged universities and higher education associations working in partnership with the United Nations and other stakeholders to create a more sustainable future for all.” Some of the founding member schools represented include the Yonsei University, Georgia Institute of Technology, George Mason University and McGill University.
22 September 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) New York Office participated in the World Health Organization (WHO) event, ‘Walk the Talk – The Health for All Challenge’ at Central Park, New York City ahead of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly. It brought together thousands of New Yorkers and visitors from around the world who took part in several events including the highlight activity, a 4-mile walk around Central Park.
18 – 19 September 2019, New York, USA – The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), New York Office, supported the launch of newly published Negotiation book at the United Nations Book store in New York and welcomed a visit from the Director of El Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública - Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP).