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UNITAR has joined the Nairobi Framework initiative aimed at assisting developing countries especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, to improve their level of participation in the Clean Development Mechanism.
The recent floods in Vietnam have cause massive destructions and provoked a humanitarian situation in extensive areas in the country. The Province of Quang Tri has been particularly affected. The UNOSAT team has already posted on 1 October a first satellite derived map of flood affected areas which is used by national authorities and international relief entities to organize and coordinate relief efforts.
Tropical storm Ketsana (also known as Ondoy) swept across the Philippines on 26 September. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines has declared a state of calamity in several regions and requested international humanitarian assistance to deal with the effects from Ketsana. The National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) has recorded 240 deaths and over 1.5 million people affected by the storm.