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On the 28th of June 2010 seven participants from Egi Land in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria attended a five-day intensive training course to develop regional Master Trainers on Micro-Enterprise Acceleration (MAP). The training seeks to provide the trainees with key technical and facilitation skills, as well as the knowledge necessary to implement the MAP curriculum.
A New York Times article dated 20 August 2010 uses analysis released by UNOSAT, UNITAR Operational Satellite Applications Programme. The article, focused on the worsening situation in flood affected Pakistan, reports “Millions have been left homeless by flooding that extends across Pakistan.
As the number of people affected by the floods in Pakistan increases, UNOSAT received additional requests from the Pakistani government and international humanitarian organisations to expand its analysis and mapping efforts.
The National Environment Agency of The Gambia, with the support of UNITAR, launched a new project to “Strengthen Capacities for Implementation of the Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management (SAICM) and support GHS capacity building” at a workshop in Banjul on 18 August 2010.
The Executive Director of UNITAR and the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) accompanied by senior staff from both offices have met in August to discuss a set of requirements by the Office of the High Commissioner in the area of satellite derived mapping and geospatial analysis.
The second World Humanitarian Day takes place this year on 19 August to honour and celebrate the work of humanitarian workers.
Financing urban water infrastructure is not easy: typically investments involve a high capital outlay and long pay-back periods, as well as greater risks and lower rates of return than other forms of infrastructure.
OHCHR/UNITAR Human Rights Orientation Programme for Diplomats in Geneva - Register Now!
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) are pleased to announce that the next edition of the Human Rights Orientation Programme for Diplomats will be held on the 6th and 7th of September 2010 in Geneva.
The increase in the degree of financial integration and the recent impacts of financial crisis stirred up heated debates on the influence that “financial globalization” has on different types of economies. What is interesting is that the first major development “financial globalization” appeared in the 19th century and after 150 years of evolution we still have not reached conclusion on many captivating aspects of “financial globalization”.
August 6th marked an historic occasion for UNITAR's Hiroshima Office as H. E. Ban Ki-moon became the first United Nations Secretary-General to visit the historic city. He delivered a speech during the memorial ceremony of the 65th Anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and also presented a floral offering at the cenotaph commemorating it's victims.