Displaying 1861 - 1870 of 3122
November and December 2016, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar – Joining forces and expertise, UNITAR and UNDP in Myanmar worked together with the Government of Myanmar and more specifically the Union Civil Service Board to modernize Myanmar’s civil service and enhance its professionalism, efficiency, performance, accountability and representativeness.
12 December 2016, Hiroshima, Japan – The UNITAR Hiroshima Office has successfully completed the first workshop of the UNITAR Iraq Fellowship Programme: Entrepreneurship and Leadership Youth Training, held in Amman, Jordan, from 28 November to 2 December. The Fellowship is a six-month specialized capacity-building programme, incorporating two face-to-face international workshops, implemented with the generous support of the Government of Japan, that examines entrepreneurship and youth leadership in the context of Iraq.