Anna Beck, Associate DDR officer at the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) 

Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo  

Anna Beck found herself navigating a journey from the private sector to the role of project manager within the United Nations peacekeeping mission MONUSCO in 2022. As an associated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) officer, her work primarily focuses on Community Violence Reduction (CVR) projects. Despite her large experience in project management, Anna was eager to continue learning about peacekeeping-related issues. The UNITAR training allowed her to fulfil this objective, bringing new weapons and ammunition management (WAM) perspectives into her CVR work.   

Anna decided to take part in the UNITAR training programme, Effective Weapons and Ammunition Management in a Changing DDR context, motivated by the desire to delve into the intricacies of weapons and ammunition management, including international regulations and standards. Throughout the course, Anna discovered a diverse mix of participants from different regions, ranging from technical experts to DDR practitioners, UN members, and representatives from NGOs and donors. This diversity opened up new perspectives for her, revealing previously unknown actors and stakeholders in the field of weapons and ammunition.  

Reflecting on the impact of the training on her role, Anna highlighted two key areas. Firstly, the knowledge gained reshaped her approach to CVR, offering fresh perspectives and providing her with the necessary conceptual framework for connecting DDR processes, weapons and ammunition management, and CVR programming. Secondly, the discussions within her team inspired her to consider incorporating transitional weapons and ammunition management (TWAM) into upcoming CVR programmes. This second consideration benefited from the fact that another MONUSCO colleague also attended the UNITAR training and that staff of the UN country team were part of a parallel training on WAM. This co-occurrence prompted explorations of MONUSCO’s team into various contextual considerations and the potential introduction of transitional weapons management approaches in upcoming projects. The team is currently developing a concept note to be submitted for consideration in the implementation plan for the next fiscal year.  

Anna acknowledges the time required to fully incorporate the newfound knowledge, given the required coordination with the organization’s annual planning cycles and its current transition phase. Anna also highlighted that “context matters”, referring to the contextual differences across regions within the country.   

Anna’s story illustrates a professional journey, marked by adaptability, learning and proactive engagement with training opportunities, showcasing her commitment to enhancing her skills and contributing meaningfully to the United Nations peacekeeping mission. 

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