Updated Guides for Advanced Learning on Climate Change Science Now Available

09 December 2015, Geneva, Switzerland - The UN CC:Learn Secretariat, with technical advice from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), has updated and upgraded the two UN CC:Learn Resource Guide for Advanced Learning focusing on 1) The Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change and 2) Predicting and Projecting Climate Change. This material complements the UN CC:Learn e-course on the basics of climate change.

The Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change  Predicting and Projecting Climate Change  The updated layout of guides

Click on the cover to access the Guides. More details about the first edition can be found on the UNCC:Learn website.

The two Guides are also available as interactive tools, providing access to the learning resources in just 3 clicks!

The Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change - Interactive Version  Predicting and Projecting Climate Change - Interactive Version

These Guides are part of the UN CC:Learn Series of Resources Guides for Advanced Learning on Climate Change.

The other Guides in the series address the following topics:​

About UN CC:Learn

UN CC:Learn is a partnership of more than 30 multilateral organizations supporting countries to  design and implement systematic, recurrent and results-oriented climate change learning. At the global level, the partnership supports knowledge-sharing, promotes the development of common climate change learning materials, and coordinates learning interventions through a collaboration of UN agencies and other partners. At the national level, UN CC:Learn supports countries in developing and implementing national climate change learning strategies. Through its engagement at the national and global levels, UN CC:Learn contributes to the implementation of Article 6 of the UNFCCC on training, education and public awareness-raising, and the 2012-2020 Doha Work Programme. Funding for UN CC:Learn is provided by the Swiss Government and UN partners. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is hosted by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).

Picture 1: Resource Guide for Advanced Learning focusing on the Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change

Picture 2: Resource Guide for Advanced Learning focusing on Predicting and Projecting Climate Change

Picture 3: The updated layout of the guides

Picture 4: The Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change - Interactive Version

Picture 5: Predicting and Projecting Climate Change - Interactive Version

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