In an increasingly interconnected, globalized and complex world, where the importance of multilateral dialogue and cooperation is ever growing, the demand for training and capacity development in the field of international relations and diplomacy is constantly rising. In this regard, the establishment of this innovative Online Master in International Affairs and Diplomacy [Master’s Degree in Lifelong Learning] as well as the Specialization Diploma in Regional Studies and International Institutions, the Specialization Diploma in Multilateral Diplomacy and International Institutions, and the Expert Diplomas in Multilateral Diplomacy, International Institutions, Regional Studies between the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) holds great significance.
The Master in International Affairs and Diplomacy [Master’s Degree in Lifelong Learning] is a UOC-Certified Master’s Degree (awarded according to the rules and regulations set by the Spanish education system). Given its specificity, it does not give general access to Doctoral studies (Ph.D. and similar). Validation of credits for access to such programs can be requested from competent institutions.
The Master’s Degree is a degree awarded by UOC ("Título propio" in Spanish). According to the recent Spanish Royal Decree (RD822/2021) setting forth new regulations on education, the official title of the Master is Master's Degree in Lifelong Learning in International Affairs and Diplomacy.
Universities around the world have different requirements and we are not in a position to certify that all universities will accept the Master’s degree as sufficient.
For enquiries about the next intake, please email