The launch of the global consultation, "UN75-The Future We Want, the UN We Need," marked the United Nations 75th anniversary, and through various surveys and dialogues, a variety of people expressed their expectations for the future. Many asking the UN to have a call to action become more inclusive of the diversity of actors in the 21st century while becoming more accountable, effective and transparent.
In response to this call-to-action, the UNITAR Division for Peace aims to contribute through the initiative of a magazine, "Peace in Focus". Based on Sustainable Development Goal 16, which promotes Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, the magazine emphasises that peace is not an abstract notion but an everyday commitment on the ground.
The "Peace in Focus" magazine, although created and produced by UNITAR, will not be intended to be published as an institutional report. This project aims to connect with an audience who otherwise would not be familiar with the United Nations and its operations on the ground. The magazine is intended to speak to a vast global audience with a specialized focus on the youth.
The magazine serves as a response to the UN75 Report, "UN75-The Future We Want, the UN We Need", where many of the youth's expectations and areas of interest were raised and thus connect people with the UN and showcase how Sustainable Development Goal 16 can translate certain aspects of reality and concretely improves their living conditions.