The Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Are approaches and lessons from the biodiversity cluster relevant for the management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020?

Organized by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) with support from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety of Germany

15-16 January 2018, Berlin, Germany

From 15-16 January 2018, more than 60 participants representing over 30 countries, and some 20 intergovernmental organizations, industry bodies, civil society organizations and academic institutions came together in Berlin to explore to what extent and how the lessons learned in developing, implementing and adjusting the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity could be relevant for the intersessional process on SAICM and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. Through presentations, panel discussions and working groups, participants concluded that the organizing framework developed and being further refined in the biodiversity cluster - including it Vision, Strategic Goals and 20 Targets, and period assessment through the Global Biodiversity Outlook - is of value, and could be relevant in developing further the organizing framework for the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020. Further reflection is needed on how the possible development of potential international chemicals and waste goals and targets can be made compatible with the call by the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4) to consider measurable objectives.

Please find below the main presentations and documents in relation to the workshop:

Information note


List of participants

Brief summary report (published for the SAICM regional meetings)



Achim Halpaap, UN Environment

Brenda Koekkoek, UN Environment

Carl Fiati, Ghana

Neville Ash, WCMC

Finn Kateras, Norway

Oliver Wootton, UNITAR

Maria Cristina Cardenas, BRS Secretariat

For information on the 2016 workshop on the SDGs & Chemicals and Waste, please visit:

SDGs & Chemicals and Waste 2016

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