In today's post-digital world, emerging technologies are central to multilateralism and shaping the future of global governance. In response to the pressing need for more data-driven solution to contemporary international challenges, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) have collaboratively launched a cutting-edge programme, the Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Application (DS&AIA).

Spanning 12 months, this modular postgraduate degree offers a comprehensive exploration of the intricate nexus between emerging technologies and Governance. What sets the DS&AIA apart is its dynamic, interdisciplinary curriculum, meticulously designed to encompass a unique blend of theoretical foundations and practical applications, thereby preparing graduate to tackle complex global challenges using data-driven solutions. From Programming and Data management to machine learning, Governance, Techplomacy and Cybersecurity, students will engage with cutting-edge knowledge and practical insights essential for navigating the complexities of contemporary governance. Moreover, the DS&AIA goes beyond theoretical study, equipping students with indispensable skills for success in an international career. Through immersive learning experiences, students will enhance their ability to address complex cybersecurity challenges, ensure robust organizational resilience, and navigate and shape the future of AI governance.


Courses Overview

  • Computer Programming for Data Science
  • Data Modeling and Data Management
  • Fundamentals of Machine learning
  • Data Analytics for Business Intelligence
  • Data Governance: Strategies, Infrastructure and Framework
  • AI Regulation and Governance
  • Techplomacy, Ethics, and Conflicts in Artificial Intelligence
  • Strategic Cybersecurity Governance



The programme is delivered in a blended format, utilizing a hybrid mode of instruction that combines physical class sessions at the AIT campus located just north of Bangkok, Thailand with online events. This dynamic approach incorporates lectures, case studies, interactive sessions, group work and stakeholder discussions. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading experts in Data Science and CyberGovernance. The programme is completed with the successful submission and defence of a master’s thesis. Upon successful completion, graduates will have the opportunity to attend their graduation ceremony at the AIT campus.


The Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Applications is designed as an in-career programme targeted to those holding an undergraduate degree with a background Programming, Data Management, Data Analysis or any related field, and will equally benefit professionals with existing experience from these fields. It is designed for students and professionals that have other academic/professional engagements at the same time. Therefore, it is based on self-paced modules with a pre-module, interaction, and post-module research phases, please note that some module will take place at the AIT’s campus, located in Bangkok, Thaïland.

In the pre-module and post-module research phases, students can structure your workload as it suits you best. Please rest assured that we will do our best to accommodate all students' needs in terms of other commitments, studies, work, different time zones, etc. The number of participants for each cohort is therefore limited to a small number, so that we can take into consideration each student's specific circumstances.


The programme will start in January 2025. More information to come in October.


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