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UNITAR's new global e-learning Entrepreneurship Platform - the Great Ideas Space - is launching.
21 September 2019, Koge, Japan - 21 September 2019 was the International Day of Peace. On this day, at the geographical mid-point between Hiroshima and Nagasaki a special planting ceremony took place under the leadership of Mr. Akio Nishikiori - an A-Bomb survivor, long-time GLH Committee member as well as a dedicated architect for Hiroshima's revival. This project, to plant A-Bomb saplings from both Nagasaki and Hiroshima respectively on the two sides of the lake in Oike Park of Koge Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, was initiated last year. A bridge is also planned to be built across the lake connecting the Nagasaki and Hiroshima sites.
29 August 2019 Yokohama, Japan - TICAD7 official side-event panel discussion, Building Bridges for Peace in South Sudan, has successfully concluded in Yokohoma last Thursday. H.E. James Wani Igga, Vice President of South Sudan also joined the panel along with Hon. Onyoti Adigo Nyikwec, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of South Sudan. Mr. Nihkil Seth, Executive Director of UNITAR, moderated the session. The discussion examined the peace-building efforts in South Sudan and emphasized the importance of promoting the national capacity for post-conflict reconstruction in tandem with the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS). The panelists emphasized the significance to engage in youth and invest in the development of sustainable peace and prosperity in South Sudan.
22-23 April in Kabul, Afghanistan - Afghanistan is full of opportunities for dedicated young professionals looking to help their country. In particular, women know that it’s time for them to take the lead and ensure that development initiatives extend to every single member of their communities.
We are trying our best to fulfill our responsibility as an actor in the field of disarmament,” said Mosammat Shahahara Monica, Director (United Nations and Human Rights), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. “We will continue this effort and our leading role in the future, for the total elimination of nuclear weapons
Adopted in December 2015, UNSC Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security recognizes the importance of the positive contributions which young people are making for the maintenance and promotion of international peace and security. Maintaining and supporting peace can seem like an overwhelming task, especially for young changemakers. Prospective changemakers may be wondering, ‘How can I put the Resolution 2250 in practice?’, ‘Where do I start?’, and ‘How can I personally promote lasting peace in the world?’ Being aware of these challenges and dedicated to effectively address them, UNITAR has developed a free e-learning course on Youth and Peacebuilding (English, French) to provide answers to these and other questions, and to support participants in their efforts to make the world more peaceful, sustainable and prosperous.
"I am delighted to share our work and progress of 2018 at UNITAR Hiroshima Office. 2018 has been a fruitful year for both Hiroshima and the UNITAR Hiroshima Office. Hiroshima’s local baseball team, Toyo Carp, has claimed the Central League Championship for the third year in a row. The UNITAR Hiroshima Office has also been busy and active, celebrating its 15th anniversary since it began operations in 2003."
The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office, with the support of the Government and People of Japan, launched this week the UNITAR Women’s Leadership Programme for Afghanistan: Governance and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kabul, Afghanistan. The programme builds upon the experiences and lessons learned from UNITAR Hiroshima’s engagement with Afghanistan over the past 15 years. Focusing on empowering women and fostering inclusive and effective governance in Afghanistan, the training programme offers scholarship to twenty young professional women from twenty public, private and civil society organisations in Afghanistan.