Online Training Programme:
July Edition: 19 Jun 2023 - 16 Jul 2023 / August Edition: 24 Jul 2023 - 20 Aug 2023
目前估计有 180 万人年龄在 10 岁至 24 岁之间,这是人类历史上最大的青年一代。他们的人 数预计将会增长 - 仅在 2015 年至 2030 年期间,预计将有约 19 亿年轻人年满 15 岁.
The United Nations Young Leaders Online Training Programme consists of a 4-week e-Learning course implemented on UNITAR’s e-learning platform. The course comprises 4 different modules, which can be studied in a self-paced manner and require 4-6 hours of studying per week.
- Module 1: The United Nations
- Module 2: Conference Diplomacy
- Module 3: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Module 4: Cosmopolitan Communication
The course includes weekly reading material, multimedia files as well as discussion boards exchanging views with fellow participants and UNITAR instructors. In addition, the Young Leaders Online Training Programme will be complemented by several 1.5 hour live-webinars. These will be delivered through the platform zoom by UN experts and comprise the following topics:
- Webinar A - The United Nations System
- Webinar B - The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Webinar C - Model United Nations (MUN) Training
- Webinar D - UN Career Development
In addition to the above live-webinars, there will be one 3.5-hour e-workshop per week. These will focus on Leadership as well as on getting to know Geneva's multilateral environment through virtual guided tours through the UN Palais des Nations as well as the diplomatic district of Geneva. For more information regarding the program‘s content, schedule and expert biographies, kindly check the course syllabus of the previous edition
The Young Leaders Training Programme is open to all actors related to international affairs wishing to take on leadership roles in their respective environment and to build up knowledge and skills related to the UN and International Geneva.
Participants can include university students, high school students and other aspiring young leaders of similar background. Junior professionals from public and private sector and senior officials who are young at heart are equally welcome to apply.
In order to ensure the highest quality standards, the registration will be closed after 30 participants. Slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. At the end of the programme, all participants will receive an official UNITAR certificate of completion.
In order to register, kindly click on the following button and follow the below steps:
- On the event page, click on "registration". The programme will the be added to your shopping cart.
- Click on the "check out" button
- Create your own profile on the UNITAR event page and fill out the required sections
- Review the correctness of all information and choose payment method: (i) credit card or (ii) bank transfer
- If you choose credit card, your payment is definite and is completed immediately on the spot
- If you choose to pay by bank transfer, your payment is not definite yet and could be delayed to a later point in time
- In either of both choices, click on complete payment. UNITAR will follow up with you via email thereafter