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June 2014, Hiroshima, Japan - The UNITAR Hiroshima Office recently completed training on the adoption of a Green Economy to 20 representatives of the Government of Afghanistan. Hailing from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and the Ministry of Economy, and in a programme delivered in close collaboration with the Afghanistan Civil Service Institute and UNDP Afghanistan, the participants represented both Kabul based Civil Servants, as well as Provincial Directors, allowing for some very focused discussions as to the on-the-ground implementability of the issues presented.
The UNITAR Hiroshima Office recently concluded the 11th Cycle of its highly regarded training series on the management and conservation of World Heritage Sites, held between 14-18 April. Attended by 21 participants from countries including South Africa, Fiji, New Zealand, and Thailand, the week-long workshop examined the processes required for the justification for the inscription of cultural landscapes in world heritage site nominations.
27 November 2013, Hiroshima, Japan - The UNITAR Hiroshima Office held its 77th Public Session on 13 November, examining Post-2014 Afghanistan and the Role of Japan.
2014 will see the withdrawal of a significant number of troops from Afghanistan as well as a presidential election. This Public Session provided an important opportunity to consider the direction of post-2014 Afghanistan as well as the role of Japan.
15 November,2013,Hiroshima, Japan - The UNITAR Hiroshima Office was proud to host Professor U. Joy Ogwu, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the United Nations, on Thursday 14 November. Professor Ogwu met with the 2013 UNITAR Youth Ambassadors, Ms. Sae Murai, Hiroshima Jogakuin High School, and Mr. Yuuki Yanagawa, Hiroshima Gakuin High School, and discussed the role of today’s youth, gender, diplomacy, and peace.
26 August 2013, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates – Under the framework of the 2013 UNITAR Fellowship for Afghanistan, Workshop II was held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 22 to 26 August. The objectivesof the workshop were to:
3 May 2013, Hiroshima, Japan - The UNITAR Hiroshima Office held a Public Session on Japan's Constitution Day, to pay tribute to the life and work of Beate Sirota Gordon. The event was held in partnership with ANT-Hiroshima [http://www.ant-hiroshima.org/], and titled "In Memory of Beate SIROTA GORDON: Women and the Constitution."
9 April 2013, Kabul, Afghanistan - UNITAR recently launched the Call for Applications for the 10th annual cycle of its highly successful Fellowship for Afghanistan Programme. The Fellowship is a seven-month long programme which builds the capacity and enhances the leadership, management, and professional skills of a core group of senior government officials, academics, and practitioners from Afghanistan.
April 30 2013, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR recently completed a training programme for 24 participants, from 15 countries, examining the nomination process for World Heritage Sites. Held 22 to 26 April, the workshop was the tenth annual cycle in the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites Series, and was subtitled World Heritage Serial Nominations and the Vital Role of Comparative Analysis.
13 March 2013, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR is honoured to have recently joined the Hiroshima Research and Educational Institutes Network for Peace. The Network's objective is to share information and expertise with regard to Hiroshima and its role in peace building efforts. Member Institutes include:
25 February, Hiroshima, Japan - UNITAR has signed a Letter of Agreement with the Ministry of Oil of the Republic of Iraq to train 26 civil servants in both Hiroshima and Tokyo between 16 and 28 March.
The training programme, being developed in partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), will address public sector leadership, human resources development and organizational change, along with an examination of the post-conflict reconstruction of Hiroshima and Japan.