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The third cycle of the UNITAR South Sudan Fellowship Programme: Entrepreneurship and Leadership Youth Training began as 25 young South Sudanese professionals took part in the programme’s Orientation Workshop in Juba, South Sudan. The programme is a six-month capacity-building training for junior- to mid-career-level professionals that focuses on project management, leadership, and social entrepreneurship skills. This year, 25 Fellows and Coaches, including 11 women, from the public sector, private sector, academic institutions, media, and civil society organisations of South Sudan will take part in the programme.
The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office and the Embassy of Japan in South Sudan launched the 3rd Cycle of UNITAR South Sudan Fellowship Programme. Focusing on project management, leadership and entrepreneurship skills, the six-month capacity-building training programme offers scholarship to 25 South Sudanese Fellows and coaches from public sector, private sector, academic institutions, and civil society organisations.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Hiroshima Office has successfully completed the second workshop of the UNITAR Iraq Fellowship Programme: Entrepreneurship and Leadership Youth Training, held in Tokyo and Hiroshima, Japan, from 5 – 11 March 2017. The Fellowship is a six-month specialized capacity-building programme examining entrepreneurship and youth leadership in the context of Iraq and incorporating two face-to-face international workshops, blending online and asynchronous learning, and participant-led real-world projects. The Fellowship is implemented with the generous support of the Government of Japan.
30 young South Sudanese professionals took part in a UNITAR workshop in Hiroshima last month, as a continuation of the UNITAR South Sudan Fellowship Programme: Entrepreneurship and Leadership Youth Training, a six-month specialized capacity-building training programme for select junior to mid-career level professionals. Focusing on project development and implementation, this year’s Fellowship trained 30 South Sudanese Fellows and Coaches, including 13 women, from the public sector, private sector, academic institutions, and civil society organizations.