19 July 2021, Hiroshima, Japan – On Friday, 6 August 2021, UNITAR, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), Hiroshima Prefecture, and the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe), will host a free, public seminar on promoting the abolition of nuclear weapons. The public is invited to join. Please register at https://unitar-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kPyii3huSneBU_-RPQ7ZmA.
The seminar will comprise of:
- 2:00 - 3:30 pm JST: Plenary Session
- 4:00 - 5:00 pm JST: Session on Partnership with the Private Sector
- 5:00 - 5:30 pm JST: Dialogue Session between UNITAR Director of Division for Prosperity and UNITAR Goodwill Ambassador
- 6:00 - 8:00 pm JST: Session on the Youth Initiative
Plenary Session
The plenary session will introduce the Hiroshima Initiatives, which are a call to global action to eliminate nuclear weapons. The Initiatives seek to create a platform for collaboration to promote nuclear disarmament and alternative security systems that do not rely on nuclear weapons, and to strengthen global norms and UN consensus to reject nuclear weapons.
Panellists who will be invited to brainstorm possible approaches to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons include:
- Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament
- Mr. Hidehiko Yuzaki, Governer of Hiroshima Prefecture
- Dr. Patricia Lewis, Director of International Security Programme at Chatham House
United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and UNITAR Executive Director Mr. Nikhil Seth will moderate the session.
Session on Partnership with the Private Sector
The “Partnership with the Private Sector” session will focus on the initiatives of various companies contributing to disarmament. The session will touch upon topics such as cybersecurity, the role of media, and advocacy to encourage consumer engagement.
Panelists include speakers from:
- Ms. Kaja Ciglic, Senior Director, Digital Diplomacy, Digital Peace initiative, Microsoft
- Ms. Chitose Arai, Vice-President, JCCU (Japanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union) and Vice-Chairperson, ICA-AP (The International Co-operative Alliance Asia-Pacific)
- Mr. Yukito Minowa, CEO, TSS-TV Co., Ltd
The session will be moderated by Ms. Kumamoto, Director of UNITAR Division for Prosperity.
Session on the Youth Initiative
The third and final session on “Youth Initiative” aims to equip youth will an understanding of nuclear disarmament. This session will be divided into two parts:
Part one:
- Mr. Dai Tamesue, UNITAR Goodwill Ambassador
- Mr. Kazuma Sugano, UNITAR Trainee
- Ms. Riko Akai, UNITAR Trainee
Part two:
- Christelle Barkat, UN Youth Champion for Disarmament/Youth4Disarmament
- Kosei Kusonoki, Hiroshima Peace Messenger
- Yuka Okuma, Nagasaki Peace Messenger
- Koichiro Ochiai, SDGs-SWY
- Sora Uchino, a representative of [50cm.]
In these sessions, each stakeholder will discuss how they can contribute and how they can work towards a sustainable future by considering ways they can promote the Hiroshima Initiatives within their spheres of influence. The Hiroshima Initiatives are a call to global action to eliminate nuclear weapons by promoting nuclear disarmament and alternative security systems that do not rely on nuclear weapons, as well as strengthening global norms and UN consensus around the rejection of nuclear weapons by creating a platform for collaboration. Ultimately, this seminar seeks to introduce participants to the current discourse around nuclear abolition as well as various unique perspectives on the issue to promote cooperation among the stakeholders towards the common goal.
The event will be held in Japanese and English, with simultaneous interpretation in both languages. Those who would like to RSVP for the event can apply here: https://unitar-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kPyii3huSneBU_-RPQ7ZmA
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is held annually on 6 August, and this year will mark the seventy-sixth anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. By exploring why the abolition of nuclear weapons is important and the goals of the Hiroshima Initiative, this seminar aims to help achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.
"UNITAR Division for Prosperity has long been committed to spreading the wishes for peace of the Hiroshima community, a community that always shows us a great example of reconstruction and transformation to peace, after the devastation of the atomic bombing," says Ms. Kumamoto. “On 6 August, we are delighted to discuss nuclear disarmament with our dynamic partners and panelists. It is exciting to organize a session with the private sector for the first time on this topic, since it is all-around important to involve multi-stakeholders and promote inclusive dialogue.”
For more information on the ways the Division for Prosperity has dedicated its activities to nuclear disarmament, please see:
[Op-Ed] The Dawn of a New Era: Entry-Into-Force of the Nuclear Ban Treaty | UNITAR
UNITAR Hiroshima Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Training | UNITAR
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future.
Located in Hiroshima, UNITAR's Division for Prosperity offers world-class learning and knowledge-sharing services to present and future change makers from developing countries, particularly youth and women, that are designed to shape an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world.
Our programmes are dedicated to addressing growing inequalities, working in solidarity with diverse partners at the local, regional and global levels.