Dr. Crystal Tremblay
Dr. Tremblay is a faculty member and Co-chair of the Map Shop in the Department of Geography and Director of CIFAL Victoria at the University of Victoria, Canada. Dr. Tremblay received her BA degree with Honours in Geography and Human Environment from Concordia University (2001), an MA (2007) and PhD (2013) in Geography from the University of Victoria and held a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia (2015). Since 2018, Dr. Tremblay has been the academic lead of the Salish Sea Hub, an initiative of the UNESCO Knowledge 4 Change global consortium working to build capacity in Community-based Participatory Research in higher education and communities to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through this work, Dr. Tremblay has led multi-institution and multi-lingual global research projects on community university research partnerships, transformative pedagogy and training in community-based participatory research. She has published widely on these topics.
Dr. Tremblay has an active research portfolio as a community engaged scholar with expertise in participatory action research, arts-based methods and decolonizing methodologies with a special focus on water and land stewardship, community mapping and livelihood enhancement. Dr. Tremblay is the PI of the SSHRC funded Partnership Development Grant 'Indigenous Knowledge Bridging of Land and Water Governance in Tanzania and Canada’ and Co-PI of several grants including Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) ‘Nature-based Climate Solution (NBCS) Community Toolkit for Climate and Water Security’, the BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) ‘UAV Habitat Mapping to Inform Salmon Stewardship’ working in partnership with the First Nations Fisheries Council, and the New Frontiers in Research Fund Transformation 2020 ' BIOSCAN', a global biosurveillance system for biodiversity science and policy.