Established in 2014, the International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders in Ecuador (CIFAL Ecuador) has the objective of strengthening the capacities of local government authorities and civil society leaders in support of sustainable development. It aims to support local authorities to implement the new Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the Andean region.
Scope: Andean region.
Thematic Areas:
- Decentralization
- Planning and Territorial Development
- Projects Development and Monitoring
- Productive Development
- Roads, Infrastructure, Irrigation, and Drainage
- International Cooperation
- Environment
- Provincial Action Against Climate Change (APROCC)
- Finances for Provincial Governments
- Disaster Risk and Climate Change
- Sustainable Tourism
- Rural Development
- Solidarity Economy
Contact Information
- Email:
- Phone: + 593 2 244 3377 Ext 287
- Mobile: +539 9 99698316
- Address: Ave. NNUU 10-14 y Amazonas, Torre A. Piso 8. Oficina 802, Blvr. NNUU. Quito, Ecuador.