climate change internationla legal regime course

Integrated Planning for Climate Change and Biodiversity.

Free online course. Registrations are open!

Land-use planning frameworks traditionally focus on developing settlements and related infrastructures without much consideration for biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation. Combining the three can be used to find win-win solutions for human well-being and sustainability under the threat of global climate change.

In this course you will learn how land-use planning can be a tool for biodiversity and climate resilience. You will increase your capacity to optimize planning to support biodiversity and climate change adaptation objectives, including through the effective engagement of protected area systems.

This self-paced course promotes a dynamic approach through lessons and multi media materials, stimulating critical thinking. It provides flexibility, since you will be able to complete the course at your own pace and time. Contents and activities are practice-oriented and under a self-learning approach. You will also learn through practical examples, scenarios and knowledge assessments. Upon successful completion, you will receive a joint UNITARIUCN certificate.

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Enroll now - Free of charge!

United Nations Institute for Training and Research
International Environment House,
Chemin des Anémones 11-13,
CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva - Switzerland
