UNITAR Division for Prosperity offers world-class learning and knowledge-sharing services to present and future change-makers from around the world. Through our innovative training and learning opportunities – built on robust adult learning principles – we seek to promote sustainable, inclusive and just economic development and catalyse the creation of decent employment opportunities for all.
UNITAR Division for Prosperity supports youth and women in particular to address growing inequalities. We work in solidarity with diverse partners at the local, regional and global levels to propel the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals and achieve an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world.
Contact us: prosperity@unitar.org | Division for Prosperity Newsletter
Facebook: @UNITAR.Hiroshima | X: @UNITARHiroshima | YouTube: UNITAR Hiroshima
Instagram: @unitardivision4prosperity | LinkedIn: UNITAR Division for Prosperity | TikTok: @unitarprosperitydivision