The Master in Conflict, Peace and Security is a unique opportunity designed to enhance the understanding of conflicts in all their dimensions and to explore innovative approaches to their management, resolution and transformation, with the help of world-leading academics and experts. Built on the combined expertise of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the Master's programme in Conflict, Peace and Security aims to equip participants with a broad analytical skillset, first-hand knowledge and unique expertise from the field.

The Master’s Degree and related qualifications (Online Specializations and Expert Diplomas) are suitable both for professionals working in conflict-prone environments within the framework of international, regional, governmental or non-governmental organizations, and for graduate students, young researchers or other academics interested in enhancing their understanding of conflicts and acquiring skills to better address them. By choosing the Master in Conflict, Peace and Security, students gain access to a broad community of alumni spread across the world. Becoming a part of this community will be a valuable asset for a lifetime.


The programme is grounded in a distinctive student-centred, multidisciplinary approach, in which the workplace is used as the main learning environment. Using the Internet as a medium, students, practitioners and scholars are brought together in a unique virtual learning environment designed to foster experiential and collaborative learning.

Distinctive features of the Master and related academic programmes include:

  • Full online delivery, allowing for a flexible schedule designed to fit the specific needs of full-time working professionals;
  • Student-centred approach, in which the learner and the learning experience are at the core of the programme;
  • Leading-edge insights into prevailing theories and practices;
  • Lifelong learning approach, in which the workplace is used as the main learning environment;
  • Multi-cultural pedagogy, particularly attentive to the diversity of paradigms, perceptions and intellectual traditions;
  • Multi-disciplinary approach.


Students benefit from an experienced faculty of scholars and practitioners, peer-to-peer collaboration, and a curriculum that reflects current theory and practice.

UN.000             Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis

UN.001             Conflict Resolution

UN.002             Introduction to Peace Operations and Milestones in UN peacekeeping

UN.004             Human Security in Post-Conflict Interventions

UN.006             Gender Matters

B1.044              Media and Conflict

B1.042              Philosophy of Peace and Non-Violence

B1.048              Game Theory

B1.046              Economy, Environment and Migration

B1.055              Research Methods

B1.049              Intercultural/Ethnic Conflict and the Management of Diversity

B1.051              Corruption, Conflict and Security

B1.050              Prevention and Transformation of Conflict

B1.101              Mandate Evaluation/ Leadership and Strategic Planning

B1.045              Crisis Management

B1.700              Master's Final Project

The Master in Conflict, Peace and Security is awarded upon the completion of 60 ECTS.

The Master in Conflict, Peace and Security is a UOC Certified Master’s Degree, awarded according to the rules and regulations set by the Spanish education system. Giving its specificity, it does not give general access to Doctoral studies (PhD and similar). Validation of credits for access to such programmes can be requested from competent institutions. For more information, please contact conflictology@unitar.org.

Students may alternatively opt for any of our shorter academic programmes:


The Master in Conflict, Peace and Security programme has a flexible duration with an average of 2 years needed to complete all the requirements. However, the programme can be extended to up to 6 semesters (3 years). The minimum and maximum duration of both the Postgraduate Certificate in Armed Conflict and the Postgraduate Certificate in Crisis Management and Strategic Planning is 1 to 2 years, respectively. Each Specialization Course has a duration of 4 months.

Application Information

Application Deadlines

  • To be considered for the Spring term: 19 March 2024.
  • To be considered for the Fall term: 27 September 2024.

Applications received after the final deadline are evaluated case by case on a rolling basis.

Same requirements and deadlines apply for the other shorter programmes.

Application Instructions


UNITAR is responsible for the admission of the students collecting CV, letters of motivation, etc. but the UOC will be responsible commencing from Spring 2024 semester to collect the documentation of previous university studies according to the Spanish
Royal Decree (RD 822/2021. Chapter VIII). 

Students can access to the master’s degree and related qualifications by submitting at the UOC a certificate of university studies.

Electronic Certificates: UOC gives priority to certificates in electronic format that can be certified electronically.

When the documents cannot be certified electronically, students need to submit a hard copy that is identical to the original (notarized or certified copies) and send it by mail to the following address:

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Ref. Documentación de acceso

Rambla del Poblenou, 156

08018 Barcelona, España

Depending on the country where the original document is issued, they may also have to meet further requirements.

Certificates from EHEA (European Higher Education Area) countries: In this case a certified photocopy is sufficient (original stamp). The original document does not need to be legalized.
Non-EHEA countries: In this, a certified photocopy is sufficient (original stamp). The original document does not need to be legalized.

Non-EHEA countries: In this case, there are 2 ways to access.

1. Hague Convention member countries: The original document has to have the Hague Apostille. (In some countries, an electronic Apostille is available. In these cases, a hard copy of the document is not required.)

2. Non-Hague Convention member countries: The original document has to have three stamps from the following institutions in the country it was issued in:

  • A stamp from the ministry responsible for university education.
  • A stamp from the foreign ministry.
  • A stamp from the Spanish embassy or consulate in the country

For Non-EHEA countries, the certificate submitted must certify that the degree provides admission to further master's or doctoral degree studies in the country of origin of the degree. Certificates of master’s degrees or postgraduate studies won’t be accepted. 


Students who do not submit any university study certificate can be admitted in the master’s degree with 2 years’ work experience and/or professional experience in the following fields:

  • Legal Practice and Representation
  • Humanitarian Action
  • Political Science
  • Cities and Urbanism
  • International Cooperation
  • International Conflict
  • Criminology
  • Diplomacy
  • Law
  • Human Rights and Democracy
  • Taxation  Public Administration and Management
  • Mediation
  • International Relations
  • Military and Security Forces (only for the Master of Conflict, Peace and Security)

These fields have been set by the direction of the Law and Political Science Studies and can be found at the UOC website:



Students who access through this option will need to submit 2 files:

  • A self-report of his/her working or professional experience which can be downloaded on the UOC platform and submit a resume of the working life.
  • Employment history report: You need to send to UOC a document with a description of the professional activity undertaken and the number of years of social security contributions. In Spain it is issued by the Spanish Social Security website.


  1. Students will receive information from the UOC about how to submit these documents, deadlines, etc. All the information is available at the UOC platform.
  2. The UOC will request the documentation from the moment of enrolment, therefore it is highly recommendable to have the required documentation before enrolling. The period to submit the document is 10 days. If the student requires more time it is very important to ask it actively to the UOC through the official channels.
  3. The importance of taking seriously the emails regarding complying the academic requisites sent by the UOC. Students should be aware of the deadline and do not disregard the emails about this process they receive in order to ensure they submit the documentation in the timeframe requested.
  4. Students who belong to non-Hague Convention Countries, can access through the professional or working experience as an easier option to be admitted in the master’s degree and related qualifications.
  5. The submission of documentation, doubts or queries related to this process, must be asked through the official channels available at the UOC or Help Service on the UOC platform. The Admission Department is responsible for this process and it is the only communication channel for the students.
  6. In case of not submitting the documentation in the timeframe at the UOC or not complying the requisites accordingly, the student won’t be able to continue the program enrolled and fee payed will be reimbursed.
  7. The Spanish Royal Decree sets that only students with university previous studies or 2 years of professional experience in specific knowledge fields can access to the master’s degree and related qualifications. The Decree sets that there is no option to have an extension diploma or any alternative of diploma as it was before for students without previous university studies or these professional experience.


Tuition Fees

The total fee of the Master’s degree is EUR 7.408.

  • The total fee of the Postgraduate Certificate – Specialization in Armed Conflict is EUR 4.445.
  • The total fee of the Postgraduate Certificate – Specialization in Crisis Management and Strategic Planning is EUR 4.445.
  • The total fee of the Specialization Course in Conflict, Peace and Gender is EUR 1.975.
  • The total fee of the Specialization Course in Strategic Conflict Management is EUR 1.975.
  • The total fee of the Specialization Course in Intercultural Conflict Management is  EUR 1.975.
  • The total fee of the Specialization Course in Human Security and Peace Operations is EUR 1.975.

For more information, please contact us at conflictology@unitar.org.

Apply Now

To apply, please click here and follow the instructions.

Please note that applications for all programmes (including Certificates and Courses) are accepted through the same system/link. 

What our students say

"This Master’s degree gives us a complete picture of how the United Nations works and provide us with instruments to better analyze conflicts and develop mediation strategies to apply between parties in conflict. […] It taught me that the more diverse points of view are, the more enriching the final result will be”.

Leticia Álvarez Reguera, UNASOM Communication Officer, Somalia

“The knowledge and skills obtained in the programme have significantly improved my ability to deliver with confidence in the conflict area. I have come to understand that violence is not inescapable, we only need to understand why people behave this way and meet their needs […] The philosophy behind the global peace movement tells us that everyone is important and that all of us have something to contribute".

Judith Draleru, UNV midwife, South Sudan

"Born, raised, and living in a country where I witnessed first hand over 10 conflicts, the last of which is a nationwide war that is still raging for the past six years, I knew I needed to learn the necessary skills to proactively help in resolving and bringing peace. Which is why I reached out to UNITAR where I received training and education on a range of critical tools and subjects from peace operations, scientifically deconstructing and understanding conflicts, importance of human security, to correct ways of conflict resolution and building a sustainable peace. It was a very enriching learning experience where I learned from both teachers and students who shared a wealth of knowledge and wisdom from practical experiences. This was extremely useful when applied to my work in designing peace initiatives, capacity building programmes, and even sustainable development projects."

Hisham Al-Omeisy, Conflict Analyst, Yemen

"When you are on the ground, you still have to think about the formal knowledge, it is not only about experience.This programme is intellectually challenging, but it is also very flexible and tailored to your needs as a working professional. I have a really great impression of UNITAR and the people behind, and I can recommend this degree to others". 

Eloá dos Santos Prado, UNDP, Jordan

"The course has literally transformed my worldview. This study journey has opened up new avenues for me and a new way of thinking about and approaching peace and conflict. The obtained knowledge on the philosophy of peace and non-violent social movements has improved my skills to engage with policy makers to build peaceful social systems, societies and communities to make the world a better place to live in for the future generations".

Saumendra Nath De, UN Office of Internal Oversight Services, USA

"Working with people who have been affected by conflict needs special understanding and special approach. To have effective reach out to marginalized communities, you need to have some prior exposure to experiences and views of different people. Through this programme, I have come to appreciate the fact that people think differently, and understood that it was possible to find a common solution together".

Elestina Yvonne Phuka, Midwife and Reproductive Health Coach working with refugees, Ethiopia

Frequently asked questions

If you did not find the information you were searching for, try consulting our FAQ page.


Should you need any guidance or additional information, please contact us at:

United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Division for Peace
Avenue de la Paix 7 bis, CH-1202, 2 Geneva, Switzerland
E-mail: conflictology@unitar.org

Mr. Alfred Salat Rosas
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
E-mail: asalat@uoc.edu
Website: www.uoc.edu

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