Displaying 171 - 180 of 184
23 November 2017
“International relations tells us to operate from the head. I think in peacemaking and preventive diplomacy, it is also important that the heart is involved.” 
23 November 2017
“In previous years, we fumbled our way along. But, after the course, we realized it is possible to proceed in a very precise way."
23 November 2017
“The trainings had a very powerful effect on me. They have given me an increased sense of confidence."
23 November 2017
“I met many inspiring personalities from diverse fields and it was amazing to have the opportunity to exchange views on global issues with such distinguished individuals.”
23 November 2017
"In the future, I plan to work in the entrepreneurship field, maybe as a business developer or even with my own company. "
23 November 2017
Far from bragging about it, 25 years old Hasan might be too modest to acknowledge he's part of Iraq's best chances for a brighter future. Born in Baghdad one year after the end of the first Gulf War, he grew up in a family of engineers that definitely nurtured his own interest for science.
23 November 2017
“I had the idea in my mind since some time, but the courses I took helped me improve it. And since it also helped me to find more funds, it definitely helped the project to take off.”
23 November 2017
 “We developed a small curriculum that introduced students and teachers at several schools to sustainability. The students and teachers then competed for the titles of Sustainable School and Sustainable Ambassadors.”
23 November 2017
' This is a whole new approach, focusing not on the teacher but on the adult learners. This means forgetting the old pedagogic methods and embracing new pedagogic techniques.”
23 November 2017
"I used to work in a more rigid, top-down way with people around me, giving instructions based on the elements I received. Since then, I learned to work in a more cooperative way, we are having more meetings, where everybody has a say."